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Ahsoka charged at the monstrous droid, her blue eyes sparkling with a fierce determination. She planted her feet firmly on the ground, neglecting her master's orders to get on the ship.

She focused hard on the center of the droid, her eyes narrowing. Deflecting its blasts, she began to make progress in destroying it.

"Sir, she isn't leaving," Rex reported worriedly. "We've lost four men already. We have to get out of here."

"Ahsoka..." Anakin grumbled, unlatching his own lightsaber from his belt. He ran down the ramp. "Ahsoka, get back to the ship!" he called.

"But, Master, I've almost got him!" she responded, not even looking back.

"Ahsoka Tano, I order you to get back on this ship now!" He shouted, his frustration growing.

"No!" Ahsoka yelled back. She instantly clamped a hand over her mouth as she realized what she had just said. In her moment of distraction, she took a blaster bolt to both her shoulder and leg.

"Kriff!" Anakin cursed running at her. He caught her just before she hit the stone ground. He breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that her injuries would've been much worse if she had smacked her head on the rocks.

He carried her back to the ramp, hopping onto the ship just as it was lifting off the ground. He laid her across his lap to inspect her wounds, and called for one of the clones to go and get Kix.

Ahsoka's vision was blurred. She could feel herself slipping into unconsciousness from the stinging pains coming from her shoulder and leg. She struggled to keep herself awake, but Anakin placed his hand over her eyelids, and she drifted off in seconds.

The first thing she noticed when she awoke was that she was in her own bed. Ahsoka was glad for that. She had always felt much more at ease when she was home. 

The second thing she noticed was Anakin.

He was fuming.

Ahsoka half-considered pretending to still be asleep, but she knew that she had better get this conversation over with as soon as possible.

"M-master," she whispered. He nodded his head to show her that he was listening. "I'm sorry- so sorry -for disobeying you. I should've gone back to the ship. I just... I just thought-"

"No, you didn't," he interrupted sternly. "You did not think. You weren't thinking at all. Clones died, Ahsoka. Because you wanted to take on a droid. You are hurt because you weren't listening. And I just had to cancel on dinner with Padme to sit here and wait for you to wake up!" he snapped, standing up and pacing back and forth.

"I'm sorry," Ahsoka continued. "But, if you just had a little faith in me, I could've finished him off! But then-"

"No!" Anakin interrupted again. "No 'buts'! You kriffed up, Snips! Stop trying to defend yourself! Admit that you didn't do anything right back there! Once you admit that to yourself, we can move on!"

He stopped himself when he noticed her expression. Her eyes were squeezed tightly shut as if she were trying to hold back tears.

Perhaps I'm being a bit too harsh, he thought to himself, trying to control his rage. After all, she did exactly what I would've done.

"I'm sorry I'm such a burden," Ahsoka sniffed, trying to gulp down the lump that had formed in her throat. "I just- I just wanted to be like you."

"And I wanted you to be better," Anakin replied softly. Ahsoka looked up at him.

Anakin's austere expression softened for her as he saw her sorrowful eyes. He rolled his eyes at the soft spot that he had for his Padawan, and knelt down next to her.

"You're not a burden, Snips. I promise you that," he began, resting his hand on her good shoulder. "It's just... sometimes you don't see the bigger picture. Taking down a droid may seem like the best thing to do in the moment, but, you have to listen to the orders that I'm giving you. I might even be right sometimes," he joked, cracking a smile.

"I know... I'm really sorry for messing up today..."

"Well, as Master Yoda would say, 'The best teacher, failure is'," Anakin replied, doing an atrocious impression of the little, green Jedi. Ahsoka giggled, and hugged her master.

"Thank you. Think you'll still be able to make it to Padme's?" she asked.

"Nah, it's alright. Seeing as you'll be stuck in bed, I think I should stay here and keep you company," he replied, ending the embrace and smiling. Ahsoka's face lit up.

He hopped up onto her bed and sat down next to her.

"So, what do you wanna do first?" Ahsoka asked.

"Hmm... Truth or Dare?" Anakin suggested.

"How about Dare or Dare?" she replied, her eyes sparkling mischievously. Anakin laughed as he wrapped his arm around her.

"In your condition? No way. Obi-Wan'll kill me if you get yourself hurt on my watch... again," he responded. "I've got it... Never Have I Ever!" he exclaimed.

"Alright, let's go, Skyguy!"

The laughter coming from their quarters echoed throughout the halls until very early in the morning. Eventually, they fell asleep, both with huge smiles on their faces.

Anyone catch the Spider-Man Hoco reference 👀

I watched both of the Tom Holland ones last night, so I'm in the mood lol

Have a great day, and leave ideas if ya want! 

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