I Love You to the Moon and Back

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hi yes so my bucky/sebastian stan obsession has come back full force (definitely has nothing to do with the fact that tfatws comes out in three days, and i watched winter soldier last night and rewinded the knife flip part six times) and i came across the video of him reading the book that the title of this chapter came from last year AND IT'S SO FREAKING CUTE SO I HAD TO WRITE THIS

The Coruscant sky never truly felt like it fell into darkness along with the night as the lights of passing ships flashed through the windows, yet, Ahsoka felt peaceful enough at this moment, like she could just curl up into a ball and fall fast asleep in her seat at the table in the Mess Hall.

"Bedtime," Anakin leaned over to whisper to her, surprised when she obliged, allowing him to tuck his palm between her shoulder blades and guide her through the halls and to her quarters.

The loud laughter of Hardcase followed them out of the room as he, Fives, and Echo threw their heads back in response to a joke that the Master-Padawan pair did not hear.

Ahsoka crawled into her bed, stuffing her cheek into her pillow as she sank into the thin mattress.

Anakin smoothed out the bottom blankets by her feet before pulling the top up to her chin, and shoving the excess fabric underneath her so that she was fully submerged in the warmth.

He tucked her stuffed ewok (which he had bought her while they ran off to a gift shop after an incredibly boring mission) into the crook of her elbow, receiving an eye roll in response to the childish gesture. She smiled up at him nonetheless.

"G'night, Anakin," she said softly as he crouched down in front of her, her lids closing as she hummed in contentment.

"I love you to the moon and the stars, my precious little one," he whispered, gently squeezing her shoulder.

"Coruscant has four moons," Ahsoka replied quietly, giggling as she opened her eyes to catch the playful glare he shot at her. 

Anakin brushed a hand over the top half of her face, closing her eyes once again before murmuring,

"Well then, I love you to each of them and back again." 

This time she didn't reply with words, her lips turning up in the tiniest smile as her even breaths elongated into the sighs of a deep sleep.

Anakin stayed by her bedside, enjoying the sight of his very own reckless little one at peace, if only for a few hours.

He pushed himself off of the ground, smiling wider than he had in a long time as he closed her door as softly as he could behind him.

y'all have to watch the video of seb reading that book YOU HAVE TO 


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