favorite crime

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thank you guys sm for 90k reads!! ily all 🥰
as for requests: theyre back OPEN now bc i def have the time for it, but just don't expect them to be answered as quickly as usual, bc i do have SOME stuff going on (in other words: i'm moving across the country and i'm not particularly happy about it) so YEAH, ignore whatever i have in my bio or anything until i get around to changing it. send requests on over if ya have them pleaseee

also im sorry if the formatting comes out all wrong. im typing this from my phone for the first time so... i apologize 😬 i'll fix it when i have a laptop or my ipad with me

She thought of the nights around the fire, warmth not only from the flames.

She thought of the songs they used to sing when they won, not just to celebrate the victory, but also to drown out the sound of the screams coming from the Medic's tent. After all—victory for their side was not an individual thing. There was always one life lost, almost always even more.

She thought of his hands, metal cool around one of her montrals, and warm around the other because he remembered, Force, he always remembered that her hearing was superior to the rest of theirs, that she could still hear the screaming.

She thought of his voice, high pitched when he was doting on her, wobbly when he was teasing with her, low when he was angry, and crackly like he was on the verge of snapping all together when he was just barely holding it together.

She thought of his eyes, relentlessly kind, hooded and dark when someone was hurting and he couldn't stop it, tearful in the shadows because he never wanted anyone to know that he was just as broken as the rest of them.

She wished that she knew.

She thought of his scent, always mimicking the hangar with the amount of time that he spent under his speeder, and beneath that, something she didn't have an accurate description for, but something that was so distinctly Anakin. She always just called it home.

She always called him her home.

She may as well be lost now.

Anakin Skywalker is a dead man's name, unwritten on a grave that does not exist because there is no one left to bury him, and because there isn't anyone left to bury.

Vader lives. Vader reigns.

She tries to separate them, tries desperately, because she knew—she knows—that Anakin loved her, and Vader loves no one.

She feels used. Nothing but a pawn in this twisted game.

A game played by a man who is not—could never be—her brother.

But whoever is behind this... oh, she really hopes that they're sorry.

But if not?

Well, it doesn't matter. They're about to be.

i think i might possibly open a requests thingy on my tumblr and cross post any that are anakin and ahsoka related into this book. i'm not sure if i want to yet bc i don't rly like cross posting stuff, but keep an eye out for that :) hope ya enjoyed and have a great day!!

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