hope ur ok

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this. song. permanently. broke. me. like just- i rly need to do it justice with the idiot siblings cuz both these things mean A LOT to me.

ALSO THIS IS THE LAST SOUR SERIES ONE (i was getting kinda bored of writing angsty stuff, so i'm happy to write more f l o o f now.)

"Rex told me that you were close," Luke said, hands folded in his lap, eyes wide and eager for more stories about his father.

Ahsoka chuckled, looking off to the side where the said Captain was snoring in the tent.

"We were," she said, nodding as she turned back to face the boy, looking into those excruciatingly familiar eyes. "He was like a brother to me."

"I see," Luke replied, the excitement slipping from his features for a moment.

Ahsoka furrowed the markings above her eyes.

Had he been hoping for another answer? Had Rex told him something else?

"I've always wondered what it would have been like to have been raised by him."

Ah. There it was.

"Well," Ahsoka laughed softly, "as someone who was raised by Anakin, I came pretty close to understanding what having him as a father would be like."

Luke looked her confidently in the eye.

"Tell me about it?"

"Alright," she answered, gaze drifting down to the flickering flame before them. "You know this already, of course, but he would have done anything to protect you."

Luke smiled.

"He could be... intimidating, and loud, but never toward the people he loved." I loved him too.

She told him about his heart, his humor, his strength, and his gentleness.

"The most powerful Jedi in the order would make time to cook me breakfast every morning so that I wouldn't have to only eat rations," she laughed, shaking her head.

She told him about Obi-Wan, how they had raised her together, and about Padmé, how much he sacrificed for her.

"He loved deeply, Luke. I've never felt anything like it."

"Do you miss him?"

Of course.

"He was everything to me. A master, a brother, a father, and a friend, all wrapped into one."

She sighed, a nostalgic smile gracing her lips as she wondered if the faint blue she had seen had just been a trick of the light, and if the steady warmth on her shoulder was just from the fire.

"I miss him every day."

I miss you too.

"Thank you, Ahsoka."

Thank you, Snips.

anyone else randomly having an identity crisis rn?

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