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"Good morning!" Ahsoka cheered, dashing into her master's room and jumping onto his bed. "Get up! Get up!" she chanted, bouncing up and down.

"Go back to bed, Snips... I won't be able to match your unnatural energy levels for another few hours," he grumbled, rolling over onto his stomach.

Ahsoka furrowed her eye markings, as she landed in a seat drop next to Anakin. She double bounced him with such force that he nearly tumbled off of his mattress. An angry glare met her eyes as she pulled herself under the covers.

"Go away, Ahsoka," Anakin whined, pushing her to the side. Ahsoka crawled out of the bed and gripped the end of the blanket in her hands tightly.

She threw a mischievous smirk at her unknowing master, and tugged the blanket as hard as she could. Anakin was rolled back over as the warmth was ripped away from him. He sat up abruptly, rubbing his tired eyes. He folded his arms across his chest.

"Force give me strength," he muttered, clenching his fists as he climbed out of bed.

"Sooo... do you know what today is?" Ahsoka asked, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet.

Anakin rolled his eyes as he pulled his boots on.

"How could I forget? You haven't shut up about it for the past three days." He latched his lightsaber to his belt as they both exited the room.

"So what is it? What's your surprise for the anniversary of being graced with the presence of the greatest Padawan to ever exist?" Ahsoka continued, now jumping up and down in excitement. Anakin had been bragging about how he was going to have the biggest surprise for her for the past week.

"Well, actually, I have a surprise for you," Anakin joked. Ahsoka playfully glared at him. "And it's also the anniversary of the day that you dropped a wall on top of me," he added.

"Saved your life," Ahsoka corrected. "So what's my gift?!"

"Alright, c'mere." He waved a gloved hand. She followed him into his bedroom. "Okay... I've been working on this for awhile now..."

Ahsoka's eyes rested on the small box that he had just pulled off of his desk. Ahsoka held her hands out eagerly. Anakin placed the box in her palms, looking down at it proudly.

Ahsoka pulled the lid off and tossed it to the side. She gasped when her eyes fell upon her gift.

"I- How did you- It's amazing," she breathed, picking up the shiny cylinder. 

"It's a shoto blade," Anakin explained. "I just did some tinkering, and I thought you would like it. It would make a nice addition to your combat style."

"This is the best thing that you could've gotten me," she responded, the biggest grin covering her face. "Wanna help me learn how to fight with it?" she asked, a bit of a challenge in her tone.

Anakin chuckled and nodded his head.

"I'm glad you like it. Let's go."

I'm sorry this is so short and not that good. I'm having trouble focusing cuz I have a lotta hw but I'll be able to focus better 2morrow when I'm done!

Have a great night and leave ideas if ya want!

Snips and Skyguy One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now