The Talk

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here we areee, the last chapterrrr :') this is a VERY old request from emmycristina_ that i can't believe i haven't written yet

i hope that you all enjoy this before wattpad won't allow me to add anymore. second snips and skyguy one shots book will be here soooon!!

alright. one last time... let's go :)

Anakin had always (well, ever since becoming a master) known that this day would come, and still, he was nowhere near prepared to give a proper explanation when Ahsoka, out of the blue, asked him one night,

"Where do babies come from?"

It wasn't as if anything could have prompted this question—they were just watching a holovid as they usually did when they had a night off.

She had her head against his thigh, nearly asleep from the calming brush of his thumb back and forth over one of her montrals, and the question had just fallen out of her.

The fact that a master was the one responsible for giving their padawan the dreaded talk was common knowledge that had plagued Anakin's mind for the past year he had been Ahsoka's mentor for. When no one had ever instructed him on how or when to discuss this with her, he'd just... assumed that she'd already known.

Which was... apparently not the case as a pair of big, blue, very wide awake eyes stared up at him, waiting for an answer that he wasn't ready to give.

"Uh... what?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

"I was just thinking about, y'know, how they always made it seem like this big secret in the crèche. They always told us we'd find out when we were older and—"

"And you're older now and... and I'm supposed to teach you, okay," Anakin exclaimed, clapping his hands together and sitting up straight.

Ahsoka frowned as her chin hit the ground, sliding off of his leg as he stood up abruptly. She reached for the remote, levitating it over to herself to pause the TV.

"Do you know... um... anything yet?" Anakin asked, refusing to look her in the eye while he paced back and forth across the tiny living room, suddenly not knowing what to do with his hands.

Ahsoka bit back a laugh as he awkwardly placed them on his hips after attempting to hide them in non-existent pockets.

"I know... things," she answered, eyes swiveling from side to side before refocusing on her master who...
now had moved one hand to his head, his fingers buried in his hair.

"What... kind of things?" he asked, swallowing hard.

"I don't know... lightsaber forms, and history, and—"

"No what do you know about... you know, your... your question?" he prompted his boots squeaking as he kicked one against the other, suddenly very interested in the carpet.

"Nothing, that's why I asked you," she said dryly, propping her chin up on her hands.

Anakin cursed under his breath, muttering something about needing to call someone else to do this for him.

Ahsoka waited impatiently for his next question, picking at a blister on her finger that she'd gotten from lightsaber practice.

"Have you... you know...?"

"No, I don't know," she sighed frustratedly. "Care to elaborate?"

Anakin's teeth worried his bottom lip, his eyes squeezing shut for a few moments before finally spitting it out.

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