Crash Landing

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"I'm not letting you fly."

"Well, you certainly aren't flying us back."

"Anakin, your head is bleeding. You wouldn't be able to walk if I weren't holding you up."

"That's not true."

"Okay." Ahsoka pushed Anakin off of her shoulder, catching him just seconds before he fell and hit the ground.

"Alright, fine, I can't walk. I'll admit that. But I'm flying the ship," he stated, relying more and more on Ahsoka with every step. 

He had been hit in the thigh by a blaster and then taken a rough fall off of a small cliff, which had resulted in the breaking of his other leg. To make matters worse, he had blacked out after hitting his head on a rock when he landed.

Ahsoka had been up all night tending to his injuries while he had been passed out. Though he was in no condition to pilot a ship, he felt that Ahsoka deserved to rest while he took care of everything.

"Master, what if you black out again? There wasn't much that I could do to heal your concussion last night, so now you're just acting even stupider than usual."

"I'll be fine, Snips, I promise," he sighed, rolling his eyes as she helped him onto the ship. His feet nearly slipped on the smooth, metal ramp.

"How about this: I'll sleep for the first half of the journey, and you can wake me up for the second half. Deal?" she asked. Anakin contemplated this for a few seconds.

"Deal," he repeated, knowing for damn sure that he was not going to wake her. He grunted as he sat down in the pilot's seat. 

Ahsoka collapsed into the seat behind him, pulled her knees into her chest, and rested her head against the wall. She was asleep within seconds.

"WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" Anakin yelled, falling to the ground as he attempted to rush over to his Padawan and wake her.

"What?!" Ahsoka exclaimed, looking around in confusion. "What are you doing on the ground, Master?" she asked, not trying quite hard enough to stifle a giggle as she helped him up and back into his seat.

"We've been hit," he stated, the panic in his voice obvious.

"By what?!"

"I'm not sure... but what I do  know is that this ship is about to explode. We're making a crash landing on Ryloth," he explained, frantically pressing buttons on the ship's panel. Suddenly, his eyes became unfocused, and his head lolled to the side.

"MASTER!" Ahsoka shouted, shaking him awake.

"Sorry! Sorry..." he said, still looking quite dizzy. "We'll be fine, we'll be fine," he repeated distractedly.

"I knew I should never have let you fly this thing," Ahsoka muttered to herself, jogging over to the engine room. She was about to attempt to fix the ship when she felt a horrifying jolt, which sent her flying forward and into a wall.

"Brace yourself!" she heard Anakin call. She sprinted to the front of the ship.

To her horror, the entire windshield was blocked by a cloud of thick, dark, grey smoke. Anakin's hands shook as he pulled up on a lever, his strength quickly draining. 

Ahsoka put her hands on top of his trying to keep them steady. She had no idea what she was going to do if he passed out again. She had never had to crash land a ship before.

An ominous beeping sound quickly began to fill the ship, the frequency rapidly increasing and growing in volume.

Before she knew what was happening, Ahsoka was lurched forward, making painful impact with the windshield.

Snips and Skyguy One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now