The End

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This is NOT the last chapter! "The End" is just this chapter's title! I repeat! This is NOT the last chapter!

The blue and white armor finally cleared from Ahsoka's vision as she let go of Rex, her eyes blurring slightly from the tears.

"It's all over," she repeated numbly. She simply could not believe it. Rex rubbed her back.

"It's all over," he echoed.

Ahsoka didn't quite know why she was crying. Perhaps they were happy tears, for the Clone Wars were finally over. Maybe she was mourning the lives of all the fallen soldiers. Or maybe, it was because she had been so cold to Anakin before they had parted ways.

She hadn't wanted to get too close to him before she had to inevitably walk away from him again.

What seemed like the entirety of the Grand Army of the Republic had gathered outside of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to celebrate the Republic's ultimate victory

But she hadn't seen him anywhere. For all she knew, he could be dead... and her last actions toward him had been nothing but hurtful.

She had never gotten to tell him everything- how sorry she was for leaving him, how much she had missed him, how much she loved him. After all, now that she was no longer a Jedi, there was nothing stopping her from being attached to Anakin.

He was her brother.

"Commander," Rex whispered, tapping her on the shoulder. Ahsoka looked up. One of Rex's fingers was pointing to his left. Ahsoka followed his gaze.

"Thank the Force," she sighed, her eyes instantly swimming with more tears as her eyes locked on her old master. Anakin was wrapped tightly in a hug with Obi-Wan, both men shaking- likely crying.

Anakin let go of his old master, and his eyes met Ahsoka's. 

She looked up to Rex.

"It's alright... go see him," he replied with a smile. Ahsoka grinned warmly in response. 

And then she was running.

And Anakin was running at her.

Tears flowed freely from both parties, leaving tracks of water droplets behind them both as they sprinted at one another.

Ahsoka jumped at him, arms wrapped around his neck, legs wrapped around his waist. They held each other so tightly, both speaking incomprehensible words through their choked sobs. 

And for a few moments, the whoops and cheers of the victorious soldiers died away, and it was just the two of them.

Master and Padawan. Brother and sister. Anakin and Ahsoka.

Skyguy and Snips.

Reunited at last.

"It's... all... over," Anakin breathed, sniffing between each word.

"We won," Ahsoka cried back, holding onto her best friend like a lifeline. "Why are we b-both crying?!" she half laughed, half sobbed.

"Happy tears, Ahsoka, happy tears," was his quick reply. "We're free now... we're finally free."

"I'm s-so sorry... for b-brushing you off before-"

"Shhh. It's all ok-kay, Snips," he answered, clinging to her even tighter.

"I promised y-you that we could catch up," she continued.

"Yes," Anakin responded. "Yes, we need to."

Ahsoka hopped down, but neither one of them was willing to let go as they walked to the steps of the temple. They both kept one arm around the other, still shaking with tears, both completely overwhelmed.

"I was so scared that I might never see you again... I n-never would've gotten to tell you how much I missed y-you. And that I l-love y-"

"Oh Force, Ahsoka, I love you too," Anakin interrupted, quickly wrapping her up again as they sat down on the stairs. "Do you remember, when you were younger, what I used to tell you about the end of the war?" he asked, pulling back. 

"You would tell me that we could all be a family some day... but then I left." Ahsoka leaned her head up against his.

"No, Snips," he continued, his voice quiet now. "I'm leaving too," he whispered. "I'm married to Senator Amidala, and I'm not living a lie any longer. So, I'm leaving. We're having a baby. You could come with us... Rex could come with us, Obi-Wan could come with us... we will all be a family."

"Wow," Ahsoka breathed back. "I'm not missing that for the world."

Anakin laughed, squeezing her shoulder.

"You're stuck with me, Snips."

"Oh, how the tables have turned."

"General- er... Sir! Skywalker!" Rex called, looking a bit confused. He was unsure what he should call Anakin now that the war was over. "She commed me. Your link must've been destroyed in battle. She's having the baby," he whispered. Anakin's eyes widened. He stood up, blinking wildly.

"Okay," he stated. He helped Ahsoka up, and grabbed both hers and Rex's hands. "Alright. Let's go."

No order 66 yay! Have a great day!

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