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whaddya know... ANOTHER tie for the headcanons. but i'm choosing this one bc it's mother's day so it seemed appropriate. and yes i'm posting a day early for the same reason hahaha

Anakin's eyes bugged out of his head when he saw his wife outside of the door to his temple quarters. She was not supposed to be there, and Ahsoka was right on the couch! Not even ten feet away from them!

"Um, Padmé, I can't-"

"Is Ahsoka here?" she asked brightly, interrupting his low whisper.

"I- what?"

"Padmé!" Ahsoka cried, rushing past her master and leaping into the Senator's waiting hug. Anakin stepped back, slightly stunned.

He'd introduced his Padawan to his wife about a month ago, and he knew that they contacted one another occasionally... but he didn't know that they were this close already!

He liked it.

No... he loved it.

It was almost like having a family.

The two girls pulled apart after a few moments and Ahsoka looked up to Anakin with pleading eyes.

"Can I go out with Padmé today?" she began. "I know I'm supposed to ask in advance before I go out, but we were up planning our day trip until one in the morning, and I didn't want to wake you so-"

"Yes!" he answered, a bit too enthusiastically. "Go, go! Have fun, Snips," he continued with a smile.

She and Padmé grinned back at him and his heart melted. 

"We'd invite you to come along, but it's more of a girl's day," Padmé told him as Ahsoka took a few steps down the hall.

"That's fine. Just don't have her out too late," he said with a wink once Ahsoka was out of sight. Padmé giggled and winked back with a nod before turning on her heel to go walk with her friend.

Anakin's eyes welled with tears as he watched them converse with one another, both laughing every few seconds.

They were his family.

His family.

"Wow," he breathed, wondering what he possibly could've done to get so lucky. "Wow."

Later that night, after Ahsoka had been tucked into bed and was snoring softly into her pillow, Anakin found himself at his wife's apartment, helping her clean the kitchen from the dinner she'd hosted that night.

"So... you and Ahsoka talk often, do you?" he asked as he dried the plate she handed him. She nodded vigorously.

"She's great, Anakin- reminds me so much of you," she chided, scrubbing a bowl clean.

"You have... no idea how happy that makes me," he sighed with a little laugh. 

"You know, she never shuts up about you. She loves to complain about all the dumb things you do as if I don't already have to deal with them myself," Padmé chuckled as she turned off the faucet.

"Excuse me?" Anakin asked, nudging her side. "'Have to'? We're married, Padmé. When you chose to marry me, you chose to deal with my chaos as well," he teased.

His wife just sighed and rolled her eyes. Her look slowly shifted from playful to serious. Anakin already knew what she was going to say.

And it broke his heart because he knew the answer.

"When the war is over, we could-"

"We could," he replied breathily. "But we have to remember that the war could go on for much longer. Three more years and she'll be an adult. We've got to remember that it might not work out for us."

"You're right," Padmé sighed, looking at the floor. "But maybe... maybe that's something worth fighting for. Can't you imagine it? Calling Ahsoka our daughter?"

"I can," Anakin said, smiling softly. "I have. It would be perfect."

"It would."

"Someday," he said as she lifted her head up to stare into his eyes.


okay guys so my motivation has like... gone to sleep so while i wait for her to wake up (usually itll take like 2 days and lots of caffeine) i want to copy anxiety_banana and do a q and a bc it seems like FUN so... drop some questions pls?

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