Something New Part 1

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request from Ferb_Is_Sexy :)

Ahsoka wasn't quite sure what her expectations had been for her Force-strength after being resurrected by the literal embodiment of the light side of the Force, but it definitely wasn't this.

For the first time ever, she was actually glad about Anakin's constant coddling and overprotectiveness.

She hadn't remembered much of what happened after her whole... possession incident, but her master had filled her in on the details in a soft voice before tucking her into bed, and surprising her when he leaned forward and gently pressed his lips against her forehead.

She'd hugged him the best she could from her position on the top bunk, one arm around his neck with a gentle squeeze.

"Goodnight, Anakin," she had said, him smiling in return and hopping down to the floor to take the lower bunk.

She wasn't sure how long she had slept for before climbing out of her own bed, and resituating herself on the bottom bunk with Anakin, pulling the blankets tightly over the both of them, his soft snores putting her right back to sleep.

Her dreams were almost too light as she slept. A radiant being neared her, and she was only able to make sense of a few things.

The featherlight brush of warm fingers against her forehead.

A soft smile on a weathered face.

A hand guiding her up into a sitting position.

An almost motherly look of complete adoration.

She'd never seen this woman in her life, yet there was something excruciatingly familiar about the way that she looked at her as if she were her own child.

The way her eyebrows furrowed when she looked at her, the way her head tilted when she smiled, and whispered,

"You've made him so happy."

The way the woman looked at her was uncannily similar to the way that Anakin did, and Ahsoka was startled awake by that realization.

"'Soka, what're you doing down here?" Anakin slurred, rubbing his eyes as he slowly came to. 

"I'm sorry," she whispered. "I just didn't want to sleep by myself."

"It's okay," he said, squinting. "Try and get some sleep, alright?"



"I think I had a vision of your mother."

There was a sharp inhale. Then came the unmistakable squeak of Anakin's mechanical fist clenching.

"If this is some trick from the Son-"

"It isn't."

Neither of them spoke for a few moments. Ahsoka watched her Master ponder what to do next, his eyes squeezed tightly shut across from hers on the pillow they shared.

"What did you see?" he finally said, and Ahsoka felt herself let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding.

"She was just... smiling. She felt peaceful, and happy. And she said, 'You've made him so happy'."  She looked away as she said the last part, realizing all too quickly that it might not be true.

"'Him' as in... me?" he asked, eyebrows raising.

"Well, yeah... I think so."

"Well she's right," he chuckled. 

Ahsoka was glad for the darkness of the ship. If it weren't for that, her master might have seen the huge, dopey smile that spread across her face.

"Maybe if I fall back asleep you'll be able to see her too," she suggested.


Ahsoka rolled her eyes.

"You're the kriffing Chosen One, Anakin. I'm sure you could meditate into it with me."

"O... kay. I guess we could try," he replied, trying his hardest not to get his hopes up. After all, it wasn't every day that you got a chance to see your dead mother again.

"Are you ready?" Ahsoka asked, reaching out a hand and placing it on Anakin's shoulder. She closed her eyes.

He covered her hand with his flesh one, his eyes closing as well.

"I'm ready."

i'm sorry i truly couldn't help it but this HAS to be in 2 parts. it woulda been way too long if it wasn't. the next part will be out later today or tomorrow!

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