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"Anakin, move over a little to the left... no your other left..." Obi-Wan pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes and shaking his head. "Take a few steps forward now, Rex."

"How much longer do I have to keep smiling for?" Ahsoka asked through gritted teeth.

"Well, I wouldn't call what you're doing right now a smile... you kind of look like you're just baring your teeth," Anakin replied.

"We've been doing this for an hour; my cheeks hurt," she whined, finally dropping her grin.


The camera snapped a photo.

"Ahsoka, you weren't smiling," Obi-Wan commented. Anakin burst out laughing at his Padawan's angry expression. Ahsoka glared at him.

"How many more of these?" she questioned, crossing her arms.

"We would be done by now if you could all just put on a smile and stand still for a few seconds," Obi-Wan replied. "Everyone smile for just one more."

Ahsoka rolled her eyes and stood beside her master, her smile now seeming much more forced.


Anakin and Ahsoka strode over to the camera to see the outcome. It was Ahsoka's turn to burst out laughing.

"Skyguy, why do you look like you want to kill someone?!" she cackled, pointing a finger at his expression.

"What do you mean?! Just because I'm not smiling doesn't mean that I look like a murderer!" he snapped back.

"You're glaring at the camera!" Ahsoka continued. "What'd the camera ever do to you?"

"Shut up. Let's just take another one." However, once he turned around, it was clear to Anakin that there was no way that they could reconfigure all the clones for another picture. They had already begun to clear out.

"Looks like we can't," Ahsoka said, smirking. "Well, I think it's okay. After all, nothing says'Happy Holidays' like a murderous glare."

"You want me to give you a murderous glare?"

"Well, you're already giving one to everyone else."

"At least I'm not smiling with fangs. You look like you just did murder someone... and then drank their blood for breakfast."

"Fangs are cooler than regular teeth."

"Said no one ever."

"Well, they're more useful! If you bare your teeth at an opponent they won't get scared. If I do, they'll be more afraid of me."

"You aren't scary looking, Snips," Anakin scoffed, crossing his arms and smirking. Ahsoka raised an eye marking, bared her teeth and fangs, and hissed loudly. Anakin screamed loudly and jumped back.

"So much for 'The Hero With No Fear'," she replied.

"I'm not scared of you... you just... had bad breath!" Anakin covered. Ahsoka rolled her eyes.

"Anakin! Ahsoka! Over here!" Obi-Wan called. "Time for your picture, General and Commander."

The pair walked over to the older Jedi. Obi-Wan held up his camera.

"Could you please move closer?"

"Yeah, Skyguy, move closer... I'm not gonna bite," Ahsoka remarked.

"Shut up."

"Why are you both glaring? For Force sake, just act like you love each other."

"Guess I'm not the only one with a murderous glare," Anakin commented, putting his arm around his student. He pinched her shoulder, and she promptly dug the heel of her boot into the top of his foot. Both of them forced a smile as the camera clicked.

"Alright, we'll have the holiday cards done soon," Obi-Wan said. "What would you like the text on them to say?"

"Mmm... 'Happy Holidays from the 501st, Commander Snips, and General Skyguy'," Ahsoka said. Anakin rolled his eyes.

"That's stupid Snips... 'General Skywalker and Commander Snips'," Anakin replied.

"'Happy Holidays from the 501st, Commander Tano, and General Skywalker,'" Obi-Wan suggested, shaking his head at the two of them again.

"No, my name needs to come first," Anakin responded. Ahsoka looked at him incredulously.


"Because I'm more important!"


"General is a higher rank than Commander! It's a fact!"

"Fine. But if they put your name first, mine will be the one people remember because it'll be the last one that they read."

"You're dumb."

"If I'm dumb, you're just straight up stupid."

"Am not,"

"Are to."

"Am not."

"Are to."

Obi-Wan shook his head, leaving his two Padawans behind to bicker amongst themselves.

Mando tomorrowwwww wooooo! Any predictions? I can't wait.

Have a great night and leave ideas if ya want!

Snips and Skyguy One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now