Surprise Reunion

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"DAMNIT!" Anakin cried as his speeder skidded to a halt, smoke spiraling from the engine. He looked down at his hands, the flesh one still wrapped in bandages from a recent injury in battle. He wouldn't be able to repair the speeder on his own.

However, in the reflection of his robotic hand, he noticed a blinking neon light. He looked up to see a sign.

"Okami's Repair Shop," he read, glancing through the window. A young man was hard at work on a speeder very similar to his own. "Worth a shot," he muttered, entering the small building.

A little bell sounded as he swung open the door. He looked to the left to see the young man from the window in another room to the side. Footsteps echoed to his right.

"Welcome to Okami's Repairs! How can we help y..." the familiar voice trailed off as Anakin turned to face it.

"What the..." he began. "Snips?"

Ahsoka wasted no time in running at him, smacking her face into his shoulder as he caught her in a hug.

"Ow," she muttered, receiving a laugh that she quickly returned. And suddenly they were both laughing as Anakin spun her in a circle, lifting her feet straight off the ground.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, pulling back for a moment, but quickly realizing that he was not yet ready to let go. He wrapped his arms around her even tighter.

"What are you doing here?" she countered.

"Speeder broke and my hand's all kriffed up. I thought I could get someone else to fix it up for me," he explained.

"Force brought us back together again, I guess," she chuckled.

"Yes. Thank goodness it did."

"Yeah," she sighed, sinking into his embrace. "I missed y-"

"Ummm, am I interrupting something?" came another voice from beside the two of them. Both of their heads whipped to the side. Ahsoka stepped back, keeping her arm around Anakin. His instinctive protectiveness caused him to pull her a bit closer.

"A little bit, yeah," Anakin muttered. Ahsoka rolled her eyes, laughing a little. The young man, who looked to be about Ahsoka's age crossed his arms over his chest.

"Nyx, this is Anakin," Ahsoka explained.

"Ohhh," he replied, his crossed arms dropping to his sides. "I'm sorry, I just got the wrong idea. When you told me about your brother, I was expecting him to be, you know, the same species."

Ahsoka felt her her lekku flush as the word's left Nyx's mouth. She glared at him as she felt Anakin's gaze settle on her.

"Your brother, huh?" he asked, smirking. Ahsoka opened her mouth to speak, but Anakin's voice interrupted her. "So- Nyx, was it?"


"What exactly has she told you about her brother?"

Ahsoka shook her head at Nyx, silently telling him to keep his mouth shut.

"Well," Nyx responded, shooting her a teasing glare, "she doesn't shut up about you, actually. It's always 'Anakin would love this movie', and 'this reminds me of the time that Anakin and I did this', or 'Anakin taught me how to fix one of these'."

Ahsoka covered her face with her hand, looking down at the ground. Anakin laughed as he felt the heat radiating off of her lekku and onto his arm. 

"This is going straight to your ego, isn't it?"

"Yes it is, Snips, yes it is."

Nyx chuckled at the pair.

"So... who exactly are you?" Anakin asked.

"I'm Nyx Okami. I own this-"

"No, no, no. I mean, what exactly is your relationship with my... little sister?"

Ahsoka glared at him. Her eyes then darted to Nyx's. They both smiled slightly at one another.

"Nyx is my... good friend," she said quietly.

"There's a picture of you two kissing on his desk over there," Anakin said flatly.

"We do that sometimes."

"We're really good friends," Nyx added. Anakin stared at them, an unconvinced expression on his face.

"Whatever you say, Snips," he grumbled with a smirk.

"Why do you keep calling her that?" Nyx questioned.

"Well, it all started three years ago..."

Idk I just rly like nyx and I wanted him to be in the show. He's gonna be the primary love interest for Ahsoka in this book for any chapters that need a love interest for her from now on.

Anyways, hope y'all enjoyed, have a good night, and leave ideas if ya want :)

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