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"I'm going to pin you next time," Ahsoka stated, purposefully ignoring Anakin's outstretched hand, and standing up on her own.

"Oh yeah? Well, if our last three matches are any example, then no, no you're not going to pin me next time," Anakin replied, taking a swig of water from his bottle. He wiped at the sweat coating his forehead.

"You should take a shower before you go to Padme's; you smell." Ahsoka took a sip of her own water, rolling her eyes at Anakin's glare. "What?"

"She has the fancy soap. I'll shower at her place," he said, sitting himself down on the bench.

"Oh, I'm sure that's why you're showering there," she responded, wiggling her eyebrows as she plopped down next to him.

"I would like to throw you out of that window, do you know that?"

"Yes, yes I do." She grinned at Anakin's flushed cheeks, chugging down the rest of her water. "Come on, one more."

"No, Snips. I'm tired."

"Come on, Master," she whined, standing up and tugging on his hand.

"Ahsoka, I'm bored of beating you."

"So, give me a chance to beat you. But don't let me win."

"That's the exact same thing."

"Please, please, please. You're my master. You're supposed to teach me things," she continued, leaning back with all of her weight to try and pull Anakin off of the bench.

"I've already taught you!" Anakin yelled, annoyed.

"Just one more."

Anakin sighed.

"Fine. But only one." He stood up, making Ahsoka fall onto the ground, practically swinging on Anakin's arm to stand back up.

"Ready?" she asked.

"I should be asking you!" he yelled charging at her.

He grabbed her wrist, twisting it enough for her to be unable to move it, but not quite enough to break it.

Ahsoka landed a kick behind his knees, which didn't work how she thought that it would due to his stance.

"Beginner's move. I saw that coming from a mile away," Anakin said with a smirk.

"Did you see this?" Ahsoka called, jumping and landing a kick to his jaw, using his few moments of vulnerability to snap her wrist out of his possession.

"Oh, now you're really gonna get it."

Anakin jabbed his elbow into her stomach, but was quickly blocked by her palm as she pushed his arm right back at him, making him punch his own stomach.

"Cool trick, huh?" she laughed, dodging a punch.

"This is cooler!" Anakin replied, hooking his foot around her ankle and spinning her in a half circle. He grabbed her arms, pinning them behind her back like a prisoner.

"Use the force!" shouted a voice, making them both turn. A small group of younglings, lead by Obi-Wan had come to watch their fight.

"We can't!" Anakin yelled back, grunting as Ahsoka jabbed one of her montrals into his chest to free herself. "That's the lesson. Fighting without the force," he explained.

Ahsoka pushed her fingers into his closed eyes, resulting in her receiving a knee to the stomach.

"Another good move by me," she stated proudly.

"Give yourself a pat on the back," Anakin quipped, pulling one of her arms over her shoulder and pressing it into her shoulder blade. She smacked her head into his chest, but his grip didn't loosen.

"Come on!" she yelled through gritted teeth as he pulled her other arm into the same position. He jumped around her so he was facing her back again, and shoved her to the floor.

"Come on!" she heard a youngling shout. She smiled as they rooted for her.

Ahsoka bared her teeth once more, kicking her legs backwards to land a hard kick to Anakin's calves. His knees buckled under him, and she quickly stood herself up, wasting no time in pouncing onto of her master's chest.

"Got you this time!" she shouted victoriously as she pushed his head into the floor.

"You used the force on that jump!"

"No, Sir, I did not!" 

"You did too!"

"No, I didn't!" Ahsoka practically screamed. "By the way, it's been ten seconds, I win."

"You cheated!"

"Sounds like a sore loser to me," she sang, rolling sideways off of his chest.

"Me too," Obi-Wan echoed with a smirk.

"Need help getting up, Master? Or are your old man legs getting the better of you?" Ahsoka asked, offering her hands.

Anakin took them, pulling her down on top of him again. He rolled sideways, shaking her off of him, and pressed her head to the floor.

"One, two, three, four, five six seven, eight, nine, ten! I win," he said, letting her go.

"She got you first, Master Skywalker," a youngling spoke. Anakin rolled his eyes as a furious Ahsoka nodded in agreement.

"I won!" she shouted.

"Tie," Anakin concluded, ignoring her shouts of protest. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a shower to go take."

"Yeah, at Senator A-" the rest of Ahsoka's annoyed words were muffled as Anakin's hand covered her mouth tightly.

"I'm visiting my friend, a Senator, after I shower. My friend," Anakin finished for her, glaring. Ahsoka rolled her eyes as he exited.

"Senator Amaidala?" Obi-Wan whispered to Ahsoka as she went to follow him.

"Oh, kriff yeah," Ahsoka giggled, waving goodbye to her grandmaster.

Have a great day and leave an idea if you want!

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