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Request from Lizzy_Luna75 that, as an older sibling, I believe I am *very* qualified to write. Human au for this one :)

"But I don't want a little sister," Anakin whined, throwing his head backwards. His sandy blond hair, which he refused to cut, spilled over his shoulders.

Obi-Wan rolled his eyes, placing his coffee back down on the table.

"Unfortunately, that is not your decision, Ani."

"And, what's next? You marry Satine and I have to get a new mom too?" he grumbled. Obi-Wan tilted his head at him.

"You told me that you liked Satine, and you're very picky when it comes to my dating. Remember how you kicked Asajj when I went out with her?"

"She did end up cheating on you," the ten year old chuckled.

"With two other people," Obi-Wan mused. "Now stop trying to change the subject on me." He smirked, and Anakin rolled his eyes.

"If you adopt her then you'll never spend time with me anymore," he mumbled after a few beats of silence.

"What do you mean?" Obi-Wan asked quickly.

"You'll want to spend time with your new child, and totally forget about your old one." He refused to make eye contact with his adoptive father as he spoke, staring at the wooden table instead.

"Of course I won't forget about you, Anakin. How could you even think that?" Obi-Wan looked down at him softly. "I love you."

Anakin grinned and looked back up to meet his eyes.

"Love you too." He stood up, stepping forward to hug his father. "And I'll try to love my new sister as well, I guess."

Obi-Wan chuckled, patting his back a few times before pulling back.

"I'm sure that you will."

Five-year-old Ahsoka Tano quickly stole the hearts of everyone around her. Despite the fact that she could walk perfectly fine, Obi-Wan constantly had her perched on his back or hip, and when he wasn't holding her, she would wrap herself around one of his legs as he monster-walked around the house.

Whenever Satine visited (which was becoming more and more frequent lately), she was greeted with hundreds of hugs and kisses from the very affectionate little girl.

And when Anakin's best friend and neighbor Padme came over, she spent more time with his little sister than with him. The two girls would sit on the couch together, Ahsoka on Padme's lap as she braided her hair, brushed it out, and braided it all over again.

Anakin would always roll his eyes and sigh, begging Padme to come outside and catch frogs with him like they usually did. Padme would insist that they bring Ahsoka along with them and Anakin would sigh again, telling her to forget about it.

Despite his promise to try and be friends with Ahsoka, Anakin was having a lot of trouble making time to get to know her.

Every morning at breakfast, she would sit herself next to him, kicking his feet under the table to try and start a game. Sometimes he would play along halfheartedly, but most of the time he would scoot away from her, turning to face the other direction.

She had been living with her new family for a whole month now, and the longest exchange between Ahsoka and Anakin had been when she accidentally took his toy sword, and he yelled at her until she finally smacked him in the head with it.

Obi-Wan was there in an instant, pulling the two of them apart as they glared at one another.

Ahsoka finally decided to take matters into her own hands the next morning, sitting across the table from her new brother instead of next to him like usual.

"Why do you hate me so much?" she asked quietly, her tan cheeks flushed pink as her lip quivered. "You're supposed to be my brother."

Anakin stilled, staring down into his cereal bowl.

"There are enough people who don't hate you," he said with a shrug, stirring the soggy cornflakes  around. "Everyone else doesn't seem to need me anymore. Why should you?"

She furrowed her eyebrows, swallowing down the lump in her throat. She took a deep, unsteady breath before saying,

"'Cause you're my brother."

Anakin blinked down at his bowl again. Obi-Wan had promised that he wouldn't forget about him when Ahsoka got there, but forgotten was all that he had felt since she'd arrived. And here she was- the only one who seemed to want him, and he was turning her down.

Why was he turning her down?

He looked up at her, seeing that her chubby little face was scrunched up, tears on the brink of her eyelids.

He smirked, extending one of his legs to kick her foot under the table. Her face smoothed out in an instant, and she looked up at him.

As they made eye contact, her face burst into a grin.

Ahsoka kicked him back.

ok so are we never going to acknowledge that in rebels ahsoka was meditating to anakin's voice or...?

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