Gen Z

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Hey! This is a request from Lizzy_Luna75. Just wanted to let y'all know that i've been a bit more active on my ao3 account than on here. i don't cross post so if you're interested in reading any of my other fics (yes, they mainly focus on anakin and ahsoka hehe) on there, you can find me there as askywalkergryff. This book is still continuing, but it may be a bit slower with updates while i work on some fics on there.

They were supposed to be meditating.

Sitting still had never been one of Anakin's strong suits, but now that the war was over, Ahsoka's Padawanship was supposed to be as traditional as possible.

Bringing her phone to a meditation session to film it was not traditional.

"You don't like regular meditation either, though! My followers want more insight on life as a Jedi. We're just going to say the verses out loud instead so people can see what it's like," Ahsoka protested, setting the phone up against a chair leg.

Anakin sighed, smiling slightly as he rubbed a hand across his face.

"Alright fine. But if you get one more comment telling me to take off my shirt, I'm making you delete that video," he said, pointing a finger at her seriously.

The last time that Ahsoka had filmed a TikTok with Anakin, it had been a video of them working out together in the gym. Anakin was helping her bench press 150 pounds- the most she had ever done.

When she posted the video, she was expecting her comment section to be full of people congratulating her on her new accomplishment.

What she wasn't expecting was the thousands of thirst comments she'd received about her master. Various things ranging from "your master is hot" to "make sure he's shirtless next time you film with him," and a bunch of other things that had made Anakin blush a deep crimson when she brought her phone to show him, laughing hysterically.

She already knew people found him handsome (she knew Padme found him handsome), but she couldn't remember ever thinking of him like that. The thought of crushing on fatherly, overprotective, brotherly Anakin made her shudder with disgust.

Embarrassed as he was from that incident, he tried his best to be supportive of her new fame, liking and commenting on every single one of her videos.

As they sat down to begin their meditation, Ahsoka pressed the record button on her phone. Anakin set himself down behind her as she took a cross-legged position, closing her eyes.

He kneeled down, placing his hands on her shoulders. Just as he was about to begin speaking though, the door to their quarters flew open, and in ran a very out-of-breath Fives.

How he managed to get into the temple was beyond both of them, but they knew better than to ask him.

"Ahsoka... I... had... an idea," he panted, resting his hands on his knees, "for... a video."

"We're, uh, kind of in the middle of something right now," Ahsoka began to say, but she was quickly cut off by Anakin, who stood up saying,

"No we're not. We don't have to meditate."

She rolled her eyes, taking Anakin's hand as he helped her up to her feet as well. She leaned down to stop recording, turning her head abruptly when another person came sprinting in, equally out of breath.

"Do not... listen..." Rex breathed, "to anything he says." He pointed at Fives accusingly. 

"Listen, it's a great idea," Fives began.

"It's a stupid idea," Rex interjected.

"I wanna hear it," Anakin and Ahsoka said in unison, high giving each other at their synchronization.

"You two should make Rex and I fly- you know with your Jedi stuff," Fives continued. Ahsoka looked to Anakin who shrugged.

"I mean, we've thrown Rex off of things before-"

"Cliffs," Rex clarified. "Cliffs do not count as things."

"We'll just do it in the living room, it'll be so fun!" Ahsoka decided, beginning to push the couch away from the center of the floor.

"Sweet," Fives replied, pumping his fists. 

Fives had been one of Ahsoka's only friends who truly appreciated her TikTok fame. While Anakin tried his best to understand, he wasn't as young as she was and didn't quite get the grasp of social media.

Fives, on the other hand, had his own account and was gaining followers almost as quickly as she was. He always understood all her references and jokes that made Rex sigh and shake his head as he watched the two of them bond over the app.

Rex didn't understand the appeal of it at all ("why do other people need to know what's going on in your lives?"). He had a habit of walking in while Ahsoka and Fives were filming some silly dance or stunt that they had created, and just walking out, his nose pinched between two fingers.

The video they filmed that day quickly went viral as both Rex and Fives crashed to the ground after Fives made a joke to Ahsoka that made her lose focus, laughing hysterically as she dropped him to the ground.

Ahsoka losing focus lead to Anakin losing focus, and Rex's inevitable crash as well. 

The comments on that video were mainly about the humor of it, but of course there were some inappropriate comments too about all three of Ahsoka's brothers who had made an appearance.

Anakin was humiliated by them.

Rex pretended to ignore Ahsoka as she read them to him.

But Fives? 

Fives printed them out and stuck them to his shirt when he went out that day.

He was very proud.

also, speaking of social media... i may or may not have a youtube channel with my mando and wandavision reactions...


like seriously if anyone says something i may actually delete my account i'm not kidding

it's called "Geeks Watch Stuff" and it'll come up right away if u type it into youtube (our subscribers are mainly just creepy old men rn so that's why i'm letting y'all know abt it. even though i technically don't know if any of you are creepy old men too... hopefully your not.)

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