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based on a true storyyyy cuz guess who stayed up til 5am doing hw??? and now has to give a presentation on evolution even though she's a christiannnn??? i hate it here 🥰

Ahsoka's lip trembled as Anakin closed her door behind him for the second time that night. He had, once again, been informing her that the 501st was playing a huge game of hide-and-seek-tag and, as Fives had said, "We can't start without our favorite Commander!"

And she wanted to play- more than anything!

But she had all this kriffing homework!

"It's the weekend!" she cried, chucking her pen across the room and burying her head in her hands. She scrubbed furiously at her eyes to try and keep them dry as her throat burned from the unshed tears.

She listened carefully to hear if Anakin was still in their quarters before throwing herself backwards into her pillow and letting out the sobs she'd been holding back when her montrals didn't pick up the sound of footsteps anywhere nearby.

She was more stressed than she'd been in her whole life, which said a lot considering that she had been a soldier at fourteen years old.

"Hey, did I leave my... Hey! Ahsoka, what's wrong?" Anakin's voice called as he rushed to her side. She quickly pulled her hands from her face.

"A-allergies," she stammered, looking down at her half-written paper.

"Not buying that for a second."

"Don't you," she hiccuped, "have a game to go play with the... the boys?"

"No. I have a little Padawan to take care of because it's just past midnight, and she was crying in her room all by herself.

Ahsoka sniffed, covering her face again as Anakin's palm made gentle contact with her back, rubbing slow circles up to her shoulders.

"I'd like for her to tell me what's wrong so that I can help her. She knows I'd do anything for her- or at least I hope she does," he continued.

Ahsoka uncovered her face to reveal two exhausted, red eyes, wet with a steady stream of tears.

"What's the matter, Snips?" he asked softly, pulling her close as they leaned against the wall where her headboard should be.

She looked down desperately at her hands, as if they might have the answers. She shook her head, eyes closing as the tears continued to fall.

"I'm just... I'm just so... tired," she sighed, shoulders shaking. "And it's not even a school day, but all I've done is... homework!"

"Shhhh, it's okay. I'll help you with it, alright?"

A nod.

She wiped her nose on her sleeve before looking up at him, and she might as well have hearts in her eyes from the love and adoration she was trying so hard to hold beneath her shields.

"Thank you." It came out in a hoarse whisper, her throat raw.

"Of course," he replied, squeezing her shoulder.

She wound up falling asleep on him halfway through the second assignment, wrapping her arms around his middle and laying her head against his chest as he read the article she was supposed to be annotating to her.

She woke up to the feeling of a warm kiss against her forehead, and all of her assignments on the foot of her bed, completely finished in her master's handwriting.

i wish someone would just do my hw for meeee. i'll post the winning headcanon chapter later today!

Snips and Skyguy One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now