"I Know"

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"I understand wanting to walk away from the order."

"I know," Ahsoka replied softly. She gave her master an understanding look, confirming what he had suspected for quite some time- she knew about his relationship with Padme.

He watched as she slowly walked away, frustration, sadness, and guilt erupting inside his heart.

"I could've done more," he whispered to himself, believing that he could have found the real bomber of the Jedi Temple sooner. If he had discovered that it had been Bariss all along just a few hours earlier, maybe Ahsoka's decision would have been different.

But, deep down, he knew that her reason for leaving was not only because of her feelings of betrayal from the order. He knew that the Jedi lived under unfair rules. He knew that the system was becoming more and more corrupt everyday.

He could not even begin to count the amount of times that he had considered walking down those stairs for good just as his padawan had just done. Every time that he saw his wife, in fact. It broke his heart that his love was viewed as "breaking a rule" to the Jedi. Attachments were forbidden.

He turned around just as the top of Ahsoka's lekku disappeared from sight. He wished to do anything but return to the council without his padawan, but he knew that he must. Sadly and slowly, he began to walk down the long hall, his fists clenched with anger. It was the council's fault that she had left. They blamed her and then refused to apologize for it. He didn't know if he could bear to walk into that room and act civilized in their presence.

A small voice in his head whispered, "You could just end them all. After all, it's their fault that she's gone." He shook his head, coming to his senses. He would never harm the Jedi.

Just as he turned to enter the room, a loud voice startled him.

"Anakin!" It called. He turned around quickly. His eyes widened.

"Have you changed your mind?" he asked hopefully, scrambling to retrieve the padawan beads for his padawan who had just made a sudden return.

"No," Ahsoka said sadly. "I've come to ask you something."

"What is it?" Anakin questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"You and Padme should come with me."

"What?! Snips, are you crazy? I can't leave! We've got a war going on. You do realize the importance of our roles as Jedi, right?" he replied.

"We are not supposed to be soldiers who fight in the Republic's wars! We are keepers of the peace!" she recited. "If we leave, we still have our training. We can still fight for peace! We can start a new order of Jedi where the rules are fair and just! Where we aren't forced to go fight in a field against battle droids. A new order where attachments are not forbidden," she explained, whispering the last part.

"Ahsoka, you don't under-"

"Yes, I do," she interrupted. "What is more important to you? The Jedi order, or your wife?" she asked, saying the last word in a hushed whisper.

"Attachments should not be forbidden," he said after a few moments. "It's inhuman to make a rule that goes against a natural human feeling of love."

"Will you come with me?"

"I'll go pack yours and my things from our quarters. Go and find Padme. Tell her that we're both leaving. She'll come with us," he decided.

"Shouldn't you tell Obi-Wan?" Ahsoka asked.

"I will. Now get on your way. We'll be leaving soon," he continued.

He could hardly believe his decision. However, since he had made it, he felt as if a weight had been lifted off of his chest. He felt as if he were finally free. To do things he wanted. To have feelings. To love.

"Alright," Ahsoka replied, smiling. "See ya soon, Skyguy!"

"Hey, Snips!" he called as she began running down the hall.

"What is it?" she asked. Anakin walked forward to meet up with her. He tightly embraced her, something that took her by surprise, but she returned the hug. He let go.

"Thank you," he said. Ahsoka smiled even wider.

"You're welcome."

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