Big Happy Family

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"Satine!" Obi-Wan called.

"In here, Darling," she responded, waving her husband into their bedroom. "What is it?" she asked.

Obi-Wan leaned over her shoulder.

"They were just cleaning up from dinner. I thought I would bring some up to you since you missed it. It's not good for you or the baby to be missing meals." he whispered, sliding a plate in front of her.

"Thank you, Love," she said, kissing him for a moment. "Tell Padme that I'm sorry I had to miss it. I'll be done with this in about an hour," she continued, gesturing to the many documents that cluttered her desk.

"I will let her know," Obi-Wan replied, smiling. "Come down when you're finished!" he called as he exited the room.

"Will do!"

Obi-Wan grinned as he entered the downstairs level. He would never get tired of seeing his great, big family all together.

Little Luke was helping Padme tuck leftovers into the cooler, while Leia was dancing around the living room on Ahsoka's shoulders.

Anakin slid out of the refresher, and proceeded to give a very dramatic performance of "You Got the Force," by Starkid, the song that Leia and Ahsoka were currently dancing to.

As the song ended, Padme and Luke clapped. Ahsoka placed Leia back on the ground, and the three took a deep bow.

Obi-Wan sat down in his armchair. Padme took a seat on the couch, Luke and Leia sitting on either side of her. There was one more open spot on the couch next to Leia.

Anakin and Ahsoka looked at each other mischievously.

"Only one spot left, Snips," Anakin said, as the two began circling one another.

"Very interesting, Skyguy," Ahsoka retorted, smirking. 

"Every night," Obi-Wan muttered, rolling his eyes.

"Well, what do you think we should do about that?" Anakin asked. Before Ahsoka could respond, a little voice shouted,

"Fight for it!"

Everyone took a moment to laugh at Leia's sudden outburst. Leia smiled. She loved the attention.

Ahsoka ran at Anakin, aiming a swift kick at the back of his legs. He grabbed her ankle before she could hit him, and flipped her onto her back. She tripped him as he ran for the last spot on the couch. He fell on top of her.

They both burst out laughing

"Oh, Force, what went down while I was out?" laughed a voice from behind the couch. Obi-Wan smiled widely at the sight of his son. 

"Ah, there you are Korkie," Padme greeted warmly. "Did you find the place alright?"

Due to the fact that Korkie had just earned his speeder license, his family had been sending him out on errands for practice.

"Yes, but they were fresh out of pies. I was able to grab the last of the Star Fruit Mini-Cakes," he explained, holding up a bag. "Now, what exactly are Uncle Ani and Ahsoka doing on the ground?"

"Fighting again," Obi-Wan answered. "Why don't you bring one of those cakes up to Mother. She's been working all evening."

"Alright." Korkie nodded his head and ran up the stairs.

"Are you two going to act like civilized beings now?" Obi-Wan asked, looking down at Ahsoka and Anakin, who were still laughing to themselves.

Ahsoka hopped up and offered Anakin her hand. He took it and began to pull himself up. Ahsoka dropped him.

"You probably should've seen that coming," Satine said, as Korkie escorted her down the stairs.

Ahsoka collapsed into the seat next to Leia, laughing herself silly. She pointed the remote at the holo-screen to begin their movie.

Padme leaned forward to help her husband off the ground. Luke moved over to sit on his mother's lap.

"Alright, Princess, here comes the spaceship!" Anakin sang, lifting up his daughter. She squealed with delight as he spun her around before sitting down next to Ahsoka, placing Leia on his own lap. He draped one arm over his wife's shoulder, and the other over his little sister's.

Satine sat down on her husband's lap, as Korkie walked around the room to hand out desserts to everyone. He sat down on the ground, leaning his head up against his father's legs.

"Anymore kicking, Satine?" Padme asked, resting her head against the crook of Anakin's arm.

"Just a bit," Satine replied, smiling as she cradled her swollen belly.

"Can't wait to be Auntie Soks again," Ahsoka said excitedly. 

"I better get to be the Godfather of this one," Anakin began. "Seeing as you didn't even know the other one was yours until three years ago," he muttered. Padme kicked him, shaking her head as Korkie and Obi-Wan rolled their eyes.

"Of course you and Padme will be the Godparents," Satine responded, sharing a smile with her husband. "After all, it's only fair, with all of us being the Godparents of your children."

Satine and Obi-Wan had been named the Godparents of Luke, while Ahsoka and Korkie had taken the same roles for Leia.

"Can you all 'shhhh'?" Leia exclaimed. "I'm tryna watch a movie!"

"Leia!" Padme scolded. Anakin tried his best to make a menacing face, but Ahsoka's laughter was making it very difficult for him to focus on being angry.

"We'll, excuse us," Obi-Wan sassed, jokingly raising his eyebrows at Leia to make her laugh. Padme smiled and rolled her eyes.

"I couldn't ask for a crazier family," Ahsoka giggled, leaning into Anakin.

Anakin looked around the room at everyone who he loved.

"Wouldn't trade 'em for the world," he whispered, beaming.

I want a Star Wars sitcom of this alternate reality, please and thank you ❤️

Have a great night! I know I won't! Because I didn't do any of my homework and now I have to pull an all nighter 😁



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