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part 1 of 'ash turns obx season 2 scenes into one shots'

"The coast is clear," Anakin sighed, turning his head back around to face Ahsoka. "They're gone... for now."

"They probably think we're off world. That was a smart diversion with Artoo. I just hope he gets back to us alright," Ahsoka replied, tilting her head from side to side to crack her neck, her entire body stiff after the time the two of them had spent hidden under a large crate, barely big enough for the both of them.

The position had brought old memories flooding back, good ones from when the two of them had snuck behind enemy lines on their first mission together. Back when no one was accused of murder or on the run. Back when they were just master and padawan.

"Padmé will take care of that. She's all that we've got right now. I trust her," he answered.

Ahsoka nodded, biting her tongue.

Anakin popped the joints in his arms, his back doing so on its own when he stood up.

"Zip it," he teased Ahsoka when she smiled mischievously, on the verge of calling him old.

"Where do we go from here?" she asked instead.

"There's some big event going on over there," he said, pointing to the corner of a tent a few streets down. "I think it's a wedding. We can stock up on some food from there. We'll have to be fast though. Our faces are all over Coruscant."

"Alright, what about shelter?"

"Well, it's Coruscant. Cold, wet, and rainy," he said shrugging. "Body heat's gonna be our best bet since we can't check in anywhere without getting arrested. Nothing we haven't done before." He smiled sadly.

"Only this time we're not in bunkers or nice forests," Ahsoka grumbled, wiping at the mud on her face.

"Hey," Anakin said, taking hold of her wrist when she became too aggressive. "Let me."

She let her arms both hang at her sides, while Anakin took gentle hold of her face with his bare prosthetic hand, both of his gloves having gone missing somewhere in the sewers.

He then promptly spit onto his flesh hand, reaching forward to scrub away the grime.

"Eww, stop," Ahsoka squealed, trying to duck out of his hold.

Anakin just laughed, brushing away the remaining streaks with his thumb until her skin was left with just one spot slightly darker than the rest of her face.

"Alright, let's head on over to the tent, okay?"

"Let's go," she replied, pulling the piece of ripped fabric from Anakin's robe that he had given her to hide her montrals around her head.

As they grew nearer and nearer to the party, the soft sound of music echoed outside, something slow that Anakin recognized almost instantly.

"Hey, come here," he said, taking her hand. She looked up at him curiously as he veered them away from one of the entrance flaps of the tent.

"What is it?" she questioned worriedly, looking around to see if anyone had spotted them.

"It's the father-daughter dance," he whispered, pulling her around to what they could tell was the back from the overflowing dumpsters, and lack of speeders parked.

"Okay," she chuckled, "what does that have to do with anything?"

Anakin smiled, not quite sneaky or sad like the ones she was used to seeing, but affectionate. Excited for her to pick up on whatever it was that he had already.

She followed the hand of hers which he had taken with her eyes as he lifted it in the air, sliding his palm up until he was just holding the tips of her slim fingers.

"Spin," he said, loosening the grip even more to allow her to twirl around once, laughing.

"And... out," he instructed, stretching his arm out to his side while she spun again.

"Back in," Ahsoka followed along, wrapping his arm back around her as she came back, one of her hands landing on his shoulder as his settled on her waist.

"Do you know how to dance?" he asked, stepping around in a basic circle with her.

"Not really," she replied, nearly tripping. "You're a pretty good teacher though, and it seems like you have some experience."

"Pretty good?"

Ahsoka threw her head back, laughing loudly, the cheerful sound blending in with the chatter coming from within the tent, along with the blasting of the lyrics through the speakers.

"Shhh," Anakin hushed her as she leaned forward again, hiding her remaining giggles in his chest, "this is the part that makes me think of you."

She froze for a moment, lifting her head to catch his eyes, smiling when she realized he was already grinning down at her.

He pressed his lips to her forehead, humming for a few beats before pulling back to sing,

"Oh, with all that I've done wrong, I must have done something right to deserve a hug every morning, and butterfly kisses at night."

They were in one spot now, just swaying from side to side.

"Makes you think of me?" Ahsoka whispered, so quietly that her voice cracked.

"Mmm," Anakin hummed in return, his eyes closed as both of his hands travelled upward, one holding her opposite shoulder from behind, and the other pressed lightly to her fabric-covered lekku.

She tucked herself right where she fit best—her head on his shoulder with her arms loosely around his neck, his chin against her back lek and her montrals picking up every pulse of his heart.

"Thank you for everything you've done for me," she said, breaths heavy as the slowness of the moment overtook her. "Not just with Letta and everything but, y'know," she adjusted her hands as well, one still around his shoulders while the other went to the back of his head, pushing them closer together, "with my training, and... in general. Even when I'm looking at you like you're my brother, which is sort of confusing since I just found out that you think of me as your daughter, you've always been the best role model I could ask for. And my best friend."

"Good confusing, right?" he teased, reaching beneath the cloth over her head to tangle his fingers in her padawan beads, grateful that they had never been torn from her head, lucky that they had gotten away from the council.

"Perfectly confusing," she giggled, eyes staring blankly at the cracks between the flaps of the tent, catching glimpses of the bride dancing with her father while Anakin hummed the rest of the song to her, still not letting go when the music ended.

Ahsoka climbed up onto his toes, and he lead her through the steps as they danced to nothing but the song of the rain, and speeders passing by.

based on the five second long scene where john b and sara dance after stealing food alskdjsl

fighting with my mom againnnn✌️her control issues are just not it alskdfjls ive already cried three times this month and all have been cuz of her AHHH  a n y w a y s  im rewatching all of clone wars so yall should be getting some interesting notes at the bottom of these now as i shatter my heart once again hahaha

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