I can't think of a name for this part

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"Sleep in heavenly peace, sleep in heavenly peace..." the crowd finished.

Anakin had only sung in front of someone else a few times in his life. He hummed to himself constantly, but only Padme and his mother had ever heard the sound that came out when his mouth opened. Obi-Wan might have as well; Anakin had sometimes sung himself to sleep when he was younger, for it reminded him of how his mother used to sing to him.

Padme often joked that he should make a career out of it, as he was rather good at carrying a melody.

She beamed up at him from where she was resting her head on his shoulder. One of his hands was stroking her shoulder, and the other was absentmindedly rubbing the lekku of his old Padawan, who had fallen asleep in his lap almost an hour ago.

"What is it?" he asked his wife, remaining seated as the rest of the crowd of people who had gathered for the service began to clear out.

"You have a beautiful voice," she murmured, kissing him on the cheek softly. He smiled against her, and tried to stand up, but found that it was nearly impossible to with Ahsoka laying across him.

"Thank you," he replied rather sheepishly, hoisting Ahsoka up closer to him, so that he could lift her. He pulled the arm draped around Padme to the Togruta's back, and planted the other one behind her knees.

"Shhh," Padme whispered as Ahsoka stirred. But she did not wake up. She lifted her arms, almost instinctively, around Anakin's neck, tucking her face into his robes.

"You know, she would kill me if she knew I was doing this," Anakin commented as the three of them boarded Padme's ship.

Padme laughed when she noticed that her husband didn't place Ahsoka down in her own seat, keeping her securely on his lap instead.

"What?" he asked.

"She's got you wrapped around her finger," she said with a smile.

"And why exactly is that funny?" Anakin questioned, smirking.

"You used to ramble on and on about how Obi-Wan wouldn't shut up to you about getting a Padawan... and now look at you," she continued. Anakin pursed his lips.

He didn't like being wrong, but he would never in a million years change the fact that Ahsoka was given to him.

"You're right."

"As usual."

"Master...?" Ahsoka mumbled, blinking bleary eyes up at him. Anakin smiled sadly and looked down at her.

"Not quite, Snips... we left, remember?" he whispered. "Now, I'm just Anakin."

"Or Skyguy," she joked, sliding herself out of his lap and into the seat next to him, not moving her head from its spot on his shoulder.

"'Skyguy'," Padme chuckled to herself, shaking her head. Ahsoka slumped against her brother, falling into a deep sleep once again.

As Anakin and Padme tucked her into bed that night, she began to wake up again.

"You should sing to her," Padme suggested, walking to the doorway. "I'm going to go get ready for bed."

Anakin took a deep breath as Ahsoka's eyes fluttered open again.

"Are we in our quarters, Mas- Anakin?" she asked.

"We're home, Ahsoka."

"Padme's place," she replied with a smirk.

"I want you to get some rest; we've got a big party tomorrow," he said, stroking her lekku.

"I'll go to sleep if you do what your wife told you to," she murmured, closing her eyes.

"Oh yeah? What's that?"

"Sing. I wanna hear your voice, Skyguy."

Anakin took a deep breath.

"No, Ahsoka. I-" he stopped when he noticed her eyes re-open. It suddenly dawned on him that this was her first holiday away from the order. After looking hard enough, the sadness in her face became more clear. "Alright."

She closed her eyes again, as he began.

He started off softly, still getting used to the idea of her hearing him. Slowly, his volume increased until he finished the song.

"Merry Christmas, Ahsoka," he whispered, pressing his lips gently against her forehead. His hand moved comfortingly up and down on her lekku. 

Once he had confirmed that she was indeed fast asleep, he said three words that he knew she would only make fun of him for if she heard them.

"I love you." And he knew, though she'd never admit to it, that she felt the same way towards him.

"I think it's sweet," Padme said in a quiet voice, making Anakin jump. He turned around to see his smiling wife.

"Is everything ready for tomorrow?" he questioned, walking to her side in the doorway.

"All the forms are signed. Do you think she'll be surprised?"

"Very. It'll be her first ever Christmas gift. We weren't allowed to give them back in the order. Do you think she'll take us?" Anakin continued.

"Without a doubt," Padme responded.

"Padme, Anakin, and Ahsoka... the Skywalker family... I like the sound of that," Anakin said with a smile.

"So do I... Merry Christmas, Anakin."

"Merry Christmas, Padme."

Here, have some fluff 😁

I can't freaking wait for the mando season finale WHAT IS GONNA HAPPEN 

leave suggestions if ya want, and have a great day!

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