jealousy, jealousy

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hi!! i'm still here, i promise! 

how is everyone's summer going? i literally can't believe we're already like halfway through july it makes me want to CRYYY

"Dex's?" Anakin asked as his padawan wiped the dry taste of temple food from her tongue, coughing.

"Yeah," she spat, taking a large swig of water to purge her mouth, "that sounds perfect."

Anakin levitated her dirty plate on top of his, indulging in the way that she laughed at his famous 'frivolous use of the Force', as Obi-Wan would complain.

"Race you to the speeder?" he asked, waggling his eyebrows at her. She nodded vigorously.

"You're on, Skyguy."

And they were off, sprinting through the Mess Hall, leaving numerous master-padawan pairs in their wake, including—

"Master Luminara?" Barriss asked, peering over her shoulder at the sound of her friend's loud laughter as her master attempted to shove past her, and out the door.

"Yes, Padawan?" she answered, shooting a distasteful look in Anakin and Ahsoka's direction as the door to the Mess slammed shut, the sound of it echoing about the spacious room.

"Could... we ever go somewhere nicer for dinner sometime?" 

She regretted her words almost instantly as her master looked back at her, eyebrows raised. 

"Is there something wrong with the temple food?" she asked, not unkindly, but disapprovingly enough to wipe the thought from her padawan's mind.

"No, Master... I'm sorry, Master."

She twirled her food on the end of her fork, mind racing even more quickly than Anakin and Ahsoka had when they ran out to go get their nice, fancy, kriffing food.

"Padawan," Luminara said softly.

Barriss tilted her head upward to catch her stern gaze.


"You spend lots of time with Padawan Tano—I just don't want you to become accustomed with her and Master Skywalker's, ah, unconventional ways. It is not my place to judge how he raises and cares for his padawan, but I fear that he condones her obvious disrespect for him," she explained, her padawan losing eye contact by the second sentence, already silently disagreeing.

"Your master is not your friend," she concluded, "and I hope that you remember that."

Barriss clenched her teeth.

Not allowed to be happy.

Not allowed to find comfort in a familial relationship.

Not allowed to do anything normal for her age.

Not allowed to—

"Yes, Master. I understand."

And that was that.

ive been slightly more active (though not much cuz i'm suddenly super busy somehow?) on my ao3 and tumblr if ya wanna go hang out on there. i'll rly try my best to update some more on here, i'm sorry it's been so long <33

also black widow absolutely destroyed me so gO SEE IT NOW IF YOU HAVENT AND COME BACK HERE TO OBSESS OVER YELENA WITH ME

(and nobody question why i'm posting this at 5am, i haven't slept at all asdjkhgk)

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