You'll be in My Heart

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Darth Vader cautiously removed his mask, as he sat down in his quarters. He got very minimal time to himself, and he never wasted it with thoughts of the Empire. No- he spent his alone time doing the only thing that made him happy. He closed his eyes as his mind began to rewind, remembering all the things and all the people that he loved.

He felt tears come to his eyes as he remembered her- Padme. He felt guilt and anger rising in him, as it usually did when he remembered her death. He shook his head.

No, he thought to himself. Today he would allow himself to be happy. I will remember someone who is still alive...

Come stop your crying 

It will be alright

He remembered the nights she had woken up with nightmares over the loss of the parents...

Just take my hand

Hold it tight

He had sat by her bedside and held her hand all through the night, comforting her, not closing his eyes once...

I will protect you

From all around you

He almost laughed. She didn't need his protection. She was able to take care of herself and others just fine...

I will be here 

Don't you cry

She hardly ever cried, however, she had told him once that he was the only one who she could cry in front of. She had no idea how much that had meant to him...

For one so small 

You seem so strong

"You're reckless, Little One." The words echoed in his head. She had been so young. Everyone had underestimated her. He smiled when he thought of how well she had done in proving them wrong...

My arms will hold you

Keep you safe and warm

He remembered the many nights that they had fallen asleep by each other's side, laughing, making jokes, and playing games...

This bond  between us

Can't be broken

Their bond in the Force had been so strong. He focused his mind- Anakin's mind -on her, searching for her presence...

I will be here

Don't you cry

Cause you'll be in my heart

Yes, you'll be in my heart

From this day on

Now and forever more

You'll be in my heart

No matter what they say

His fury towards the Jedi increased as he remembered them telling him to let go of her after she had left. He didn't. He had never given up hope...

You'll be here in my heart


Ahsoka's eyes widened, and she nearly spit out her drink. 

"Excuse me," she said to the droid waiting to take her order. She pushed her chair away from the table and rushed to her room. She quickly sat down in a meditative position. She had felt something in the Force... she had felt her master.

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