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i told yall i'd write more self indulgent cuddling soon and here it issss

"Master," Anakin hissed at Obi-Wan for the third time. "Could you stop taking pictures and just help?"

"I will, Anakin. I just need to make sure that Ahsoka remembers this when she wakes up." Obi-Wan let out a dramatic sigh. "It's hard not having a Padawan to embarrass after they do stupid things while they're only half-conscious anymore.

Anakin rolled his eyes as Obi-Wan snapped one last photo of a half-asleep Ahsoka with her arms wrapped tightly around her master, glueing him to her side.

"Have you tried gently detaching her?"

"Obi-Wan, I've tried everything. She won't let go."

Obi-Wan stepped forward, latching his hands onto one of Ahsoka's arms. He gave it a small tug, releasing her grip for a moment.

"No!" she exclaimed, her eyelids opening slightly. She yanked her wrist out of his grip, winding her arm back around her master's torso.

"Anakin, how did this even happen?" Obi-Wan sighed.

"I was about to fall asleep, but I promised her that I would be here when she woke up. I just laid my head down on the mattress. I was sitting in that chair," he pointed to the abandoned seat by the head of Ahsoka's bed in the Halls of Healing, "and she must have... maneuvered me onto the bed once she woke up because the next thing I know, I can't move!"

"I see," Obi-Wan chuckled. "Do you think, by any chance, that this is Ahsoka's way of asking for more physical affection?"

Anakin raised an eyebrow.

"What makes you say that?"

"Well, I remember someone clinging to my leg-"


"-when I had to go to a council-"

"We don't have to talk about this-"

"-meeting, and refusing to-"


"-let go until I hugged and kissed him goodnight."

Anakin huffed, doing his absolute best to look away from his master without disturbing Ahsoka's excruciatingly tight grip on him.

"Okay, fine. I see your point. Maybe... maybe she needs more physical affection. I... I can do that." He nodded to himself. "I can make that happen."

"I'm glad to hear that. The medication should wear off in the next hour, but until then... I think you're stuck."

"Oh good."

Two hours and a long nap later, Ahsoka was finally back to her normal self. Well, normal other than the new scar on the end of her left lek where she had been cut deeply by shrapnel in an explosion. The healers had said that it would fade completely within the next few months though.

Anakin had been able to detach himself from her while she was napping, and she seemed to have no recollection of the incident once she came to.

"Oh look, she's alive," Anakin joked in a whisper, careful not to disturb the other sleeping patients in the Hall.

"You're still here," she whispered back, an exhausted smile spreading across her face.

"Of course I am," he chuckled, brushing the back of his flesh hand down her cheek. She closed her eyes at the contact, humming quietly. "Master Che said you were good to go once you woke up. Ready to get out of here?"

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