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headcanon monday!! ive been so excited for this one for so long

"Kenobi?" Master Windu asked, knocking twice at the man's doorway- the door was already opened.

"Yes, Master Windu?"

"Your padawans have overstayed their welcome in their training room- Depa and I had secured this time block, and they're still there," Mace explained, sighing.

"They're... not leaving? Did you ask them to? They can get rather competitive when they spar, and sometimes it goes on for awhile."

"Well, I'm not sure that talking to them will do them any good."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Obi-Wan inquired.

"Come and see for yourself."

They strolled down the hall, stopping at the door of the first training room to the right. Obi-Wan peered through the entrance, and- ah, now he understood.

"They must have been meditating," he chuckled, smiling fondly as he entered, Mace following a few steps behind him.

Anakin was slumped over in a meditative position, head rested against Ahsoka's while she snored into his shoulder, legs folded in the same way as her master's.

Depa Billaba stood to the side by the wall, absently tossing her saber from hand to hand.

"When I found them like this, I said we should get a blanket and go kick Master Fisto and Master Plo out of the room next door instead. My old master didn't quite appreciate that sentiment," she said, smiling down at the pair.

"No, I did not," Mace replied, rolling his eyes.

"What do you think we should do, Master Kenobi?" Depa asked. "You know them both better than any of us."

"They just returned from a difficult campaign," Obi-Wan whispered, crouching down to press the back of his hand to each of their foreheads. "They're both exhausted, and I'm afraid that if we wake them up to move them, they may insist on not going back to sleep."

"So, we should get a blanket?" Depa teased, crossing her arms.

"I think that's a very good idea," Obi-Wan concluded with a nod. Mace looked back and forth between the two Jedi, before letting out an exasperated sigh.

"Fine. But, in the future Master Kenobi, please tell them to go back to their quarters if they're going to pass out on each other."

"Of course, Master Windu."

Obi-Wan leaned toward Depa as they walked down the hall to retrieve a blanket.

"Those two are not exhausted at all- they just can't meditate to save their lives," he whispered.

Depa brought a hand up to her mouth, chuckling.

Master Windu heard nothing.

little sad today bc my friends went and saw in the heights without me even though i've been talking about how excited i was for it since they announced they'd be making it into a movie. ive listened to the show's soundtrack an unhealthy amount of times in the past few years lol.

on the bright-ish side i'm starting therapy tomorrow so yayyyyy

and on the actual bright side, i got a really nice henna tattoo today of some turtles and bubbles and waves and stuff for summer!! i love it 🥰 

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