The Trio

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request from Ahsoka_Fan12. what even are my titles anymore???

Obi-Wan sighed in exasperation as he watched Anakin throw Ahsoka over one of his shoulders, her screaming laughter loud enough to be heard over the downpour of the rain pounding relentlessly into the ground.

If they stayed out there any longer, they were going to get sick, for Force sake.

He rolled his eyes with a fond smile as he pulled three towels out of one of his drawers, laid one down on the ground, and kept the other two folded up on the table for his Padawans when they came back inside.

He returned to his spot at the door, nearly facepalming as he saw that Anakin now had Ahsoka in a headlock as she tried to kick his legs out from beneath him.

They were acting far too much like siblings for Obi-Wan's heart not to soar at the thought of how much stronger this dynamic between the three of them would get once the war was over.

He could see it already- Ahsoka and Anakin outside, constantly wrestling and antagonizing each other, Anakin teasing him about the gray hairs that would certainly come in time, him and Ahsoka whispering behind Anakin's back about Padme, maybe even Anakin confessing about their relationship, maybe-

"You got towels, Master?" Anakin asked as he shut the door behind him, Ahsoka in his wake.

"Do use your eyes, Anakin," Obi-Wan sighed in return.

"Oh," Anakin said, picking up one of the towels and wrapping it around Ahsoka's shoulders.

"Th-thanks," she said through chattering teeth as he rubbed her shoulders to try and warm her up.

"I made your favorite soup, Ahsoka!" Obi-Wan called from where he was standing across the room, on his tippy toes to pull open the cabinet door to take out the bowls.

"Really?!" she shouted, her whole face lighting up.

"Probably just a bowl of blood," Anakin muttered as he pulled the other towel around his own shoulders.

"See, this is why you're my favorite master, Obi-Wan," she laughed, padding across the room to help. 

Obi-Wan didn't miss the way that she'd used his name when she spoke about him. He knew that she and Anakin were regularly on a first-name-basis (well, whenever they weren't using those nicknames that made him roll his eyes every time he heard them), but she rarely dropped her formalities with him.

Maybe they were just getting closer.

"Excuse me?!" Anakin exclaimed as Ahsoka doubled over laughing at the expression on his face. He crossed his arms. "Well, at least we know that I'm Obi-Wan's favorite Padawan, right Master?"

"Oh, yes," Obi-Wan replied dryly, carrying Ahsoka's soup over to the living room and handing it off to her as she followed, sitting down carefully on the middle cushion. Her towel hung over her shoulders, and Obi-Wan pulled it further around her to keep her warm.

Anakin joined them, sitting on Ahsoka's right side with enough force to shake her soup bowl until it spilled into her lap.

She extended her middle finger and lifted it up to him as Obi-Wan pulled a large blanket out from under the couch.

Anakin rolled his eyes and she quickly curled her hand back into a fist as Obi-Wan looked back at them.

He settled himself on Ahsoka's left, squishing her between him and Anakin as he draped the blanket over all three of their shoulders.

"Cozy?" he asked them as Anakin pulled his side over his shoulder. Ahsoka grinned up at her grandmaster and, in unison, her and Anakin replied,


guys uh uh uh i just learned that the limit for chapters on wattpad books is 200... and this one is right around 150.... and i'm definitely not done yet... soooo

suggestions?! i'm thinking maybe i'll just have to make a "Snips and Skyguy One Shots 2"? i guess? idrk what to do with this?

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