drivers license

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dedicating this part to emmycristina_ for like... a lot of reasons. 

1. besties

2. your comments give me life

3. i love u


I got my speeder's license last week- 

just kidding, just kidding ;)

"Left, Snips, left!" Anakin yelled, leaning to the side as if the action would turn the airspeeder on its own.

"I know what I'm doing!" she hissed back at him, smoothly making the turn around a corner of Coruscant buildings.

She looked over at her master in the passenger seat, biting back a laugh- his eyes were squeezed shut, a hand over his heart.

"You are a horrible backseat driver," she chuckled, focusing her eyes back on the lanes in front of her.

"Dammit," Anakin sighed, crossing his arms in front of his chest with a 'huff', and reopening his eyes.



"Obi-Wan?" Ahsoka repeated, cocking her head to the side as she stopped behind a white speeder, internally groaning at the traffic jam.

"I can practically hear him saying that I'm getting a taste of my own medicine right now. He used to have a panic attack every time that he tried to teach me how to fly," Anakin explained.

"Somehow that doesn't surprise me."

"Hey," he said in his 'warning' tone- the one that Ahsoka knew he always used when he was supposed to be reprimanding her, but really just wanted to joke around- not as her master, but as her friend.

Her brother.

They arrived back up at the temple after sitting through an hour's worth of Coruscant's upper level traffic.

"I'm starving- wanna go get some dinner?" Ahsoka asked, hopping out of the driver's seat.

Anakin climbed out as well, falling into stride with her.

"Absolutely. Why don't you go get changed into your sleep robes. Meet me in my quarters when you're ready, okay?"

She nodded, smiling.

"See ya soon!" she called over her shoulder, turning away from him.

"Oh, and Snips- one more thing!" he yelled, causing her to stop in her tracks and turn back around.


He waved her over.

"What is it?" she asked, arriving back in front of him.

He looked from side to side, trying to see if the area was clear of other the other Jedi. There were two Knights, three Padawans, and a Master nearby.

Anakin sighed, holding Ahsoka by the shoulders as he stepped in a quarter circle- angling them so that the other Jedi wouldn't catch sight of what he was about to do.

"You're doing a great job with your flying- learning so quickly," he began quietly. He spared one more glance behind him before leaning down to softly kiss her forehead. "I'm really proud of you."

"Thanks, Master," she replied, smiling. "Means a lot coming from the best pilot in the galaxy."

"Hmm, you never know, one day you might just be even better."

"Well... I am learning from the best."

He laughed, pulling her into a casual side hug.

"I've got the best Padawan in the galaxy."

Ahsoka cursed, steering herself out of the lane and pulling over as she missed yet another turn.

"I was supposed to go left!" she groaned, face palming.

Nothing was right anymore- nothing.

Not since she had left the order at least.

A familiar-looking yellow speeder zoomed past her, the breeze it had left behind causing her lekku to blow slightly to the side.

The speeder wasn't the same model, but the memories were still there.

She wondered if maybe he had a new Padawan- one that would stay. Maybe he was teaching them how to fly right now.

No, he mind whispered. She knew that Anakin well enough to know that he would never be able to take on another apprentice after what she'd done to him.

She remembered begging for his attention, his affection, his approval in the beginning, but...

But at the end it had been him who ran after her.

Him who pleaded for her to stay with him.

"I still love you, Master," she whispered to herself, starting up the speeder once again, "but I can't come back."

part of me is so excited for school to be over bc i wont have to do hw anymore, but the other part of me is terrified for the summer bc my mom (i have a lot of mommy issues if u cant tell yet hahaha) is going to start putting soooo many limitations on the amount of time i can spend writing and im SCARED

Snips and Skyguy One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now