They do be sick

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Writing this one cuz I'm sick lol (not COVID or anything serious, just a cold)

"Aw kriff, you're burning up," Ahsoka mumbled, removing her hand from her master's head. He had woken up in a coughing fit a few minutes ago. "I'll go grab a cold cloth."

"It's alright, Snips," Anakin sniffled. He cleared his throat. "I can take care of myself. You go get some rest."

"No, I'm already awake now. You're the sick one. Just go back to sleep," she argued, exiting the refresher with a soaked piece of fabric. "Here." She laid it across his forehead.

"Thank you," her master replied. "I don't want you to catch whatever I've got."

"I don't think there's any use in trying to prevent that now, seeing as we live together," Ahsoka sighed. 

"Yeah, I guess so," Anakin said, nodding in agreement. "What time is it?"

"Not sure. Sun's just coming up. I'll go and comm Master Kenobi to let him know you'll be out for a few days."

"No, I can still go out and fight. I'll be fine!" Anakin whined. Ahsoka rolled her eyes. 

"I knew you were gonna say that. I'm sure Master Kenobi will come to evaluate your condition once I let him know."

"Fine," Anakin replied, rolling his eyes. He felt himself slowly beginning to fall asleep as Ahsoka informed Obi-Wan on her master's condition.

"Tell Anakin to stay in bed. Try to stay away from him unless you start to feel some symptoms. I'll send a medical droid to come check on you both."

"Okay, thank you," Ahsoka replied. She entered her room, laid down in her bed and wrapped her blankets around herself tightly, shivering.

When Ahsoka woke up the next morning, she could hardly swallow. Her throat burned as she sipped some water.

"Morning, Snips," Anakin greeted. "Medical droid just left. He checked on you while you were asleep. We've both got a fever," he muttered grumpily.

"How long will we be out for?" Ahsoka rasped, handing her master a glass of water.

"Few days at most," he sighed. Ahsoka crossed her arms. "C'mon, we'll make it fun," he continued, rubbing her shoulder.

"Ugh, fine," she muttered, plopping down on the couch. "So... what do you wanna do?"

Anakin sat down next to her, moving a pillow to make room. He looked at the pillow mischievously. 

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

Ahsoka's face lit up.

"Pillow fight!" she shouted, attacking her master with two pillows. 

"Oh, it's on!" he called back. 

Within minutes, the entire living room was destroyed. Couch cushions and pillows littered the floor.

Anakin crawled underneath the table, planning for his surprise attack. Ahsoka tiptoed across the kitchen.

"Oh, Skyguy... come out, come out wherever you are," she sang. "Ahh!" she yelped, as Anakin tripped her. 

"Gotcha!" he cried, tickling her stomach. Ahsoka laughed until she couldn't breath, and her cough took over. She grabbed a pillow and threw it at her master's head. He dodged it. 


They both stood up abruptly. The remains of a shattered lamp covered the counter.

"Oops," they said in unison. 

Once they finished cleaning up the lamp, they looked around at the mess of pillows and couch cushions 

"I guess we'd better clean up," Ahsoka began.

"Or... we could build a fort!" Anakin suggested.

"I like where your head is at, Master."

About an hour later, the two stepped back to admire their work. Without their eyes leaving the fort, they fist bumped.

"Would you like to have the honor of going in first?" Ahsoka asked.

"I thought you'd never ask," Anakin replied, crawling through the entry. Ahsoka followed him. Her jaw dropped as soon as she entered.

"It's amazing," she said in awe. 

"That's because I designed it," Anakin said, smirking.

"But I did most of the work building it," Ahsoka retorted.

"Whatever, Snips," Anakin muttered, shaking his head with a smile on his face. "Let's watch a holo-film."

"Guess a sick day isn't as bad as I thought it would be," Ahsoka said, smiling up at her brother.

"I'd have to agree." Anakin smiled back, starting the film. Ahsoka snuggled up against him as the film began to play.

About an hour later, Obi-Wan passed by their quarters, and entered to go and check on his friends.

He found them in a large fort, both fast asleep. Ahsoka was using her master's chest as a pillow, and his arms as a blanket.

Obi-Wan chuckled to himself, and switched off their film. He pulled a blanket off of Anakin's bed, and lightly placed it over the two of them.

"Goodnight," he whispered, softly closing the door behind him.

AHH I just love my brotp. Obi-wan is the older brother, anakin's the middle bro, and Ahsoka's the lil sister and I can't be convinced otherwise.

Comment ideas for future one shots if ya have any and have a great day! :)

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