The Obitine Tea

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"I've been looking forward to this."

"Open your eyes, you now will. Feel a deeper connection with the force, you will." Yoda spoke, standing up from his meditative position. 

"Master Yoda, are we free to leave now?" Barriss Offee asked politely. 

"Leave this room, you may. Leave this head space, you must not," he replied. 

Ahsoka and Barriss took that as a yes, both standing up and sauntering out of the room together. 

"Great lesson today, don't you think?" Ahsoka asked.

"Oh, yes. It was very eye-opening. Would you like to go and get some lunch with me?" 

"I would love to, but I already promised that I would meet Anakin in his quarters after meditation. He said that there's something that he wants to tell me," she replied. Barriss frowned.

"That's alright... perhaps another day," she said, the frown still not leaving her pale, green face.

"What is it?" Ahsoka inquired.

"It's just... well... Ahsoka, we have a day off. Why would you be spending more time with your Master? You aren't supposed to have any work to do today," she responded.

"I won't be doing any work. Anakin and I are just going to hang out together. Maybe you could join us after he talks to me. You could ask Master Luminara to come with you," Ahsoka suggested.

"No... I don't think that she would like that very much. She is very busy most of the time. Well, see you around, Ahsoka!" Barriss called, walking off to the Mess Hall.

"Bye!" Ahsoka jogged off to her Master's quarters, bursting into his room without knocking.

"Finally!" Anakin exclaimed. "I've been waiting to tell you this ever since I got back from my mission last night."

"Actually, you didn't wait. You woke me up at 3:00 in the morning when you returned, and I told you that I would dump sand in your quarters if you didn't wait until morning to talk to me," Ahsoka corrected, smirking.

"Yeah, yeah. Well, never mind all that. Guess what."


"Obi-Wan has a girlfriend!" Anakin whisper yelled, careful to not let anyone passing by hear him.

"What?!" Ahsoka whisper yelled back. "Who? How? When?" she exclaimed, a huge grin covering her face.

"Duchess Satine, they met on a mission years ago, and I found out on my mission to Mandalore with Obi-Wan. They were bickering like a married couple the whole time," he explained.

"Oh my gosh! You aren't going to tell the council, are you?"

"What? Snips, are you out of your mind?! Why in the Force would I do that?!"

"I don't know," Ahsoka replied. "You might accidentally let it slip. You don't exactly think before speaking."

"Well... I guess you're right about that. But I'll be extra careful now. The last thing I want is for Obi-Wan to get kicked out of the order."

"How come?"

"Because then there wouldn't be anyone to babysit you when I go and... spend the night at a friend's house," he joked, lowering his voice. Ahsoka rolled her eyes.

"You're not  my babysitter," she muttered.

"Whatever. Anyways, Obi-Wan knows that I know, but he doesn't know that you  know, so you're going to have to pretend to not know when he tells you," Anakin said.

"What makes you think that he's going to tell me?"

"I'm going to tell him that he should open up to you about it because you also  have feelings for someone- Lux!"

"I'm sorry, WHAT?!" Ahsoka yelled.

"You're about as good as hiding your feelings for Lux from me, as I was trying to hide my feelings for Padme from you. We know each other too well," he stated, shrugging. Ahsoka crossed her arms.

"Lux is just a-"

"Just shut up," Anakin said waving his hands. Ahsoka looked down, figuring that the less she said, the better. "So, we're going to get Obi-Wan to tell us more about the Duchess and then we can start discussing how to get rid of the attachment rule."

"I'm sorry, we're gonna what now?" Ahsoka questioned, cocking her head to the side and raising her eye markings.

"If someone who follows the rules as closely as Obi-Wan has attachments, who's to say that other Jedi don't feel the same way? We should figure out how to get rid of the rule."

"So... basically," Ahsoka began, "what you're telling me is that... you want to have a group therapy session about our love lives and then overthrow the government. Are you feeling okay?" she said, putting a hand to Anakin's forehead.

He smirked and shoved her hand off of his face.

"I'm not saying that we overthrow the government, Ahsoka. All I'm saying is that we should try and figure out who feels the same way as us. After that, we can possibly work towards taking the attachment rule away. Now, you go and get Obi-Wan. I'll go grab another chair from your room," he instructed. Ahsoka rolled her eyes and laughed to herself.

"Time for the group therapy session?" she mumbled to herself.

"Call it whatever you want, Snips, but just remember... I know about Lu-ux,"  he said in a sing-songy voice.

"Shut up!" Ahsoka shouted, slamming the door behind her. Anakin smiled to himself. He was so happy that he could finally talk to Obi-Wan about something other than a mission. He felt that their relationship was beginning to strengthen.

So I feel like this chapter is a bit out of character, but it's almost midnight and I tried ahaha.

 Anyways, has anyone else noticed the parallels between Ahsoka and Steela, and Anakin and Clovis? Like, they're both other possible partners for the person they like, and both Anakin and Ahsoka accidentally drop them off cliffs (okay, Anakin's was most definitely *not* an accident, but that's a conversation for another time). Idk why I'm just realizing this now.

Leave ideas for future one shots if ya want, and have a good night!

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