Modern Part 2

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As requested from CAW15020 and Lizzy_Luna75, here's a Part 2!

Heads up: I'm stealing my brother's computer later and going back and tagging ppl in the chapters they requested cuz it's frustrating me lol so if u get tagged that's probably what it's for

Nyx nudged Ahsoka in the shoulder and she lifted her head up, her inflamed face burning.

"Older brother?" he asked.

"Older, but definitely less mature," she grumbled. "You have any siblings?"

"Only child," he replied with a chuckle. "I'd trade my boredom for an immature older brother any day, though."

"Seriously? After what you just saw? You would rather that?" she laughed. Nyx shrugged.

"Totally," he replied.

They quieted themselves as the teacher walked in, introducing himself to the new class.

Ahsoka subconsciously took note of the glances Nyx was shooting her in her peripheral vision. She decided that whatever their teacher was talking about wasn't very important, and turned toward her friend instead.

"Hey, if you're really so bored... do you want to go for ice cream with me? There's a new shop right down the street from here that we could walk to," she whispered. Nyx's tan skinned colored slightly.

"I'm in. I'll meet you in the main lobby after school," he answered, smiling.



"How was class?" Anakin asked as he met his sister outside the door.

"It went really well actually," she replied, smirking. Anakin looked slightly taken aback. He had been expecting her to give him another round of the silent treatment after what he had pulled before class.

"Really?" he continued. He leaned into the classroom, waving at the teacher. "Hey, Mr. Windu!" he called.

"Leave me alone, Skywalker," the teacher answered without looking up from his desk.

"Love that guy," Anakin muttered with a smirk as he began to walk Ahsoka down the hall. "So, what was so great about class?"

"Got myself a date... well, you sort of got it for me," she explained.

"You- I.... I'm sorry, what?! It's the first day of school!" he laughed, raising his eyebrows. "And, how did you get a boyfriend?"

"Not 'boyfriend'- a date. And it was all thanks to you actually. He said that he would rather have an annoying brother like you than be an only child, since being an only child is boring. So, I said that we should go out if he was really that bored. He said yes. We're going to that new Pirate themed ice cream place... 'Hondo's'? Anyways, thank you!" she explained, rushing off over to Nyx as they arrived in the lobby.

"Ahsoka, wait! I need to talk to you!" he shouted, chasing her.

"Come one! My brother's gonna get all overprotective if we don't get out of here soon!" she exclaimed, grabbing Nyx by the hand and dragging him out the doors. They ran together, stealing glances behind their backs as Anakin glared at them, not far behind.

"You better be home by five o'clock... no, four!" he yelled, coming to a halt as Nyx and Ahsoka turned on a corner. "Any later, and I'm coming to get you myself!" he threatened.

"Why's he so protective anyway?" Nyx asked, slightly out of breath as they arrived at the ice cream place.

"Ah, you know, had a stupid middle school boyfriend- not that they really count -and he cheated on me. Anakin socked him in the jaw for that," she giggled. "Ever since then, he's been weird about me going on dates and stuff."

"Well, I certainly wouldn't cheat on you... you know, if I was your boyfriend," Nyx replied with a smirk. Ahsoka smirked right back.

"Yeah... if."

Currently rewatching rebels with my little sister because I'm converting her into the nerd army hahaha. Hope everyone's having a great day! Leave ideas if ya want :)

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