You Are My Sunshine

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The first time that he sang for her, it had been done on a dare.

"Alright, Master, your turn. Truth or dare?" she asked, wiggling her eye markings challengingly.

"Does he have the guts, boys?" Fives teased, chuckling at the staring contest going down between his General and Commander.

"Dare," Anakin finally answered, lifting the corner of his mouth.

"Sing," Ahsoka demanded, smirking right back at him. "First song that comes to mind in 3... 2... 1!"

"Uh... uh- um..." he stammered. 

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine..."

Ahsoka doubled over, pressing her forehead to the hangar floor, laughing as she heard her master's voice for the first time.

"That bad?" he asked sheepishly as he finished.

"Not bad at all," Ahsoka replied with a smile. "Just strange to hear you sing."

The second time that he sang for her, it was done for comfort.

"What was that song that you sang during truth or dare the other night?" Ahsoka questioned, leaning her head on his shoulder as they prepared themselves for sleep in the cave.

"It was the song that my mother used to sing for me when I was scared at night on Tatooine," he whispered. "Nothing calmed my fears like that song."



"I'm scared."

She didn't need to speak another word for him to understand the message that she was trying to convey.

So, he wrapped both arms around her shoulders, pulled her close to him, and opened his mouth.

"... you make me happy when skies are gray..."

The third time that he sang for her, it was all in fun.

"What flavor do you want?" Anakin asked.

"Pink," Ahsoka answered.

"Pink isn't a flavor, you knucklehead," he laughed, sliding the credits for her milkshake across the counter. She punched his arm, quickly wincing and grabbing her fist as she realized it had been the metal one.

"Ow," she giggled.

"That's what you get for being stupid."

"Rude. Wait! Listen... do you hear that?" Both of them looked towards the speakers that were playing music throughout the diner. Anakin smiled down at her.

"It's your song!" she said excitedly.

"Our song now," Anakin replied, handing her the milkshake and guiding her over to their table.

"...You'll never know dear..." 

They both laughed together, not caring how many people stared at them as they sang the song.

Their song.

The first time she sang for him, she wasn't sure if he could hear her anymore.

They were sprawled out on their backs, inches away from one another, ears and montrals still ringing from the sound of the explosion.

"It'll b-be okay," Anakin mumbled, blood dribbling from the corners of his mouth as he spoke.

"We'll go back to the... temple," Ahsoka coughed. "And everything will be alright."

"Uh-huh," Anakin agreed.

They laid in silence, both knowing what was coming.

"...How m-much I" Anakin began, turning his head to lock eyes with Ahsoka- the sister he knew he would never see again.

"-you..." he trailed off, eyes desperately staring into Ahsoka's as they began to roll back.

"... so please... d-don't... t-t-take my... sunshine..." Ahsoka sang, on her own for the first time. She felt a lone tear drip down her face as the grip of death held tighter to her.

"... a... way."

Her eyes rolled back in the same fashion as Anakin's.

And then there was nothing.

Random note: Peter Parker and Ahsoka Tano would be the perfect couple and I will not be convinced otherwise. I. Ship. It.

Thx for reading and leave ideas if ya want tooooo :)

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