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With suggestions from, Seaotter17

"There's an opening back there! Take them from behind!"

"One step ahead of you, Master!" Ahsoka yelled, slicing three battle droids in half with one precise swing of her saber.

"Behind you! Look ou-"

Ahsoka stabbed her lightsaber through the last battle droid's stomach before it even had a chance to lift its blaster.

"I think we're done back here," she said, kicking the head of a fallen battle droid to the side. Anakin picked it up. "Let's get outta here."

"Roger roger," Anakin said, putting the head in front of his face and imitating their robotic voices. Ahsoka laughed. Anakin grinned and tossed it to the side.

"Race you to the ship!" she called, taking off at full speed. Anakin ran after her, using the force to move rocks and fallen tree branches in her way so he could catch up. 

Suddenly, she stopped. Anakin did too.

"What is that?" Ahsoka asked, her tone now serious. A low humming noise was steadily growing louder as it moved closer and closer to the pair.

Anakin jogged over to Ahsoka. They stood back to back, looking for any sign of trouble nearby.

"It's coming from over there," Anakin said, pointing to his left. Ahsoka nodded her head and the two began walking carefully in that direction.

The ground slowly became softer as they moved further.

"We must be getting closer to a water source. The ground is sloping and the dirt is turning to mud," Ahsoka noted. Anakin nodded in agreement.

"In that case, we're probably dealing with water droids. It's some new tactic that-"

"WATCH OUT!" Ahsoka screamed. She ran to Anakin and shoved him to the ground, just as the humming noise rose to a deafening volume.

But she was too late.

The noise had turned out to be a small speeder, though, it didn't seem to have a rider on it. It was a half robot-half speeder from what Anakin could tell. Smoke was encircling it just before it blew up a few feet away from them.

"Well, that was a close one, Snips" Anakin chuckled, looking down. Ahsoka had landed on top of him when she pushed him out of the way. "Snips?" he repeated.

No response.

He lifted her head off of his shoulder and put his fingers to her neck to check for a pulse. He sighed in relief after feeling her steady heartbeat. However, those few seconds of relief disappeared once he looked at his hands.

They were covered in blood.

Ahsoka's blood.

He gasped, and gently lifted her up into a sitting position before rolling her off of him and onto her back on the ground.

The left side of her forehead was horribly bruised. Purple, black and blue skin surrounded an enormous, deep gash across the side of her head. Blood was pouring from the wound, dripping onto the grass.

Anakin thought quickly. Ahsoka had said something about water becoming closer as they moved downhill. He hoped that she was right as he picked her up and dashed down the sloped clearing. After about a minute, he luckily found a stream. He ripped off a large piece of his tunic and submerged it in the water. He wiped the blood off of his Padawan's face and wrapped the cloth around it like a bandage. He carried her back to the ship as quickly as he could, knowing that the more blood she lost, the worse off she would be.

As he flew back to Coruscant, he couldn't help but feel responsible for what had happened to her. If only he had moved out of the way on his own a few seconds earlier...

The ship touched the ground and Anakin frantically ran to the infirmary, Ahsoka in his arms. The medical droids took her into a small room and got to work.

Ahsoka blinked her eyes slowly. She was in a white room on a soft bed. She turned her head to the left. Where was she? She turned her head to the right. A man was asleep in a blue chair, a worried expression covering his face. Ahsoka had never seen him before. She had no idea who he was.

"Hello?" she called softly. The man jumped and woke up, looking startled and confused.

"Snips, you're awake!" he exclaimed, running over to her side. He leaned down to hug her, but she flinched and dodged out of his way. "Did I hit your head?" he asked, concern covering his face.

"Who's 'Snips'? And who are you?!" she yelled, fear rising in her.

"Wh- what are you talking about? Snips, it's me," he continued. "Remember? We were fighting some droids and then a speeder droid came at us and you saved my life by pushing me out of the way. Don't you remember that?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about. And, my name isn't Snips. It's... it's..." She scrunched up her face as if she were trying to remember something important.

"Ahsoka, you're scaring me."

"AHSOKA! That's it!" she exclaimed. 

"And... you really don't know who I am? Or why you're in here?"

"I... I don't know. I'm getting out though," she stated. Anakin looked taken aback.

"I- you're what?" 

"I'm leaving. I'm trapped in a weird room, with some random guy who I don't know, and my brain's going all fuzzy. I'm leaving. I'm not staying in your prison any longer," Ahsoka continued, climbing out of her bed.

"What are you talking about? Prison?"

Ahsoka opened the door. Using the force, Anakin slammed it back shut. She looked at him, her eyes wide with fear.

"HELP!" she screamed. "HELP! HELP!" 

A medical droid entered the room, pushing Ahsoka back into her bed, and injecting an odd blue liquid into her side as she screamed in terror.

"What's the matter with her?!" Anakin exclaimed.

"It's what we feared. She's lost her memory."


"Whatever it was that her head came in contact with... it hit her hard enough to do serious damage to her brain. It is likely that, in time, her memories will be restored. Until then, we must keep her as calm and comfortable as possible," the droid instructed.

"This is all my fault," Anakin whispered to himself. "She's lost her memories... because of me. S-she can't even remember who I am," he stuttered, looking fearfully at his sleeping student. A look of fear was still etched onto her face.

He stood up, guilt overtaking him as he walked to Ahsoka's bed. Placing his hand on her lekku, he whispered,

"I'm so sorry. This is all because of me. Force, I should be the one lying in this bed right now." He leaned down and gently kissed her forehead.

He needed her back. His Padawan, his best friend, his sister.

"Come back to us soon, Ahsoka," he said. "Come back to me soon, Snips."

Okay, so I'm having trouble deciding if I should make these one shots long or short. i've been trying reallly hard to keep them short (I elaborate A LOT in my first drafts, but I don't wanna bore anyone lol). So, should I keep them short, or elaborate more and let them be a little longer? Suggestions please?

Also, leave ideas for future one shots if ya want and i would be happy to write them.

Snips and Skyguy One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now