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It was bothering him again as he watched Padmé slip her gloves off, revealing the dainty blue of her soulmark- the same blue as his eyes -in the shape of a tiny heart.

If not his wife, then who?

Who else could he possibly share a soulmark with?

Obi-Wan's hadn't matched when he had compared them when they first met, and he'd asked around with all the other youngling when he'd first arrived at the temple... and nothing.

Padmé shared a soulmark with her sister, and though Anakin was happy for her that she knew who her soulmate was, it frustrated him to know that the person he loved the most was not destined to be tied so deeply to him.

He never thought he could love someone as much as Pamdé.

Not until he met Ahsoka Tano.

He loved her deeply as he steadily walked the line between brother and father, but she constantly wore leather gloves over her wrists- never once exposing the soulmark that was tattooed above her pulse point.

He knew that soulmates were a sensitive topic, especially for the Jedi, and most people who walked around with gloves on didn't want to be asked about their mark... but he had to know.

After an intense round of sparring and lightsaber training, nearly a year into Ahsoka's apprenticeship, Anakin pulled her to the ground beside him on the mat.

"What are you-"

"Shhh." He brought a finger up between them as he instinctively crossed his legs. Ahsoka did as well, scooting forward and giggling as their knees touched.

He lifted his left hand in front of himself, staring down at his glove with slight doubt. He looked down at Ahsoka, at her hands which were folded neatly in her lap, and then up at her expectant eyes.

He skimmed the fingers of his right hand gently over the leather covering his left. He pulled gently at the fabric, slowly peeling away the barrier between Ahsoka and his soulmark.

She curiously leaned forward as the cuff slid over the navy blue rhombus permanently engraved into his wrist.

His glove dropped to the floor.

He studied her face carefully. Her eyes had widened by a fraction, and her mouth fell slightly ajar as she took his hand in both of her own, fingers lightly tracing over the shape.

After studying the mark for nearly a minute, she looked up at him, saw his uncertainty.

She quickly dropped his arm, scrambling to remove her own glove, frantically whispering something incoherent along the lines of,

"I thought we might be- I was just too scared to ask- thought you might've lost it with your arm-"

"You have it too," Anakin interrupted as the identical mark came into view. She tossed her discarded glove to the side as they placed their wrists directly next to one another's.

It was like something finally clicked in each of their minds, a light flickering on that told them this was right.

"You're my soulmate, Snips," he rasped through a tight throat. "I finally found you."

She beamed, nodding before looking down at their identical soulmarks once again.

"We're soulmates."

things that make me happy: the thought of ahsoka watching attack of the clones

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