Happily Ever After

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Ahsoka and Obi-Wan tapped their feet nervously on the white, stone floor. Cries of pain echoed from behind the door in front of them.

Ahsoka inhaled sharply as another loud scream seeped through the cracks in the doorway. She felt a reassuring hand rest on her shoulder.

"Everything is alright," Obi-Wan promised her. Her face paled as she turned to look at him. She wore an expression of fear as she asked,

"Is it supposed to make you scream so much?"

Obi-Wan chuckled and wrapped his arm around her.

"It's all going just as it's supposed to," he continued, keeping his face calm in order to soothe her fear.

Ahsoka only nodded in response, leaning into his side. Her eyes blinked slowly, her drowsiness threatening to take over. It was almost 5:00 in the morning, and neither her, nor Obi-Wan had slept that past night.

Both of them had been quickly awakened early in the night by the excited whisper-yells of Anakin, telling them that it was time for Padme to have their baby.

Ahsoka rested her head on Obi-Wan's shoulder, shaking herself awake every few seconds, trying desperately to keep her eyes open.

Suddenly, the screaming stopped.

Obi-Wan and Ahsoka looked at one another as a faint cry escaped from behind the door.

Ahsoka sat herself up straight. Her eyes widened in realization as a smile broke open over her face. She clapped her hands excitedly, the adrenaline disguising her sleepiness. R2D2 beeped happily from beside her.

"Can we go in now?" she whispered to Obi-Wan. 

"The first one is here! It's a boy!" Anakin yelled, swinging the door open, his face carrying a happiness that neither Ahsoka or Obi-Wan had never seen before.

"The first one?!" they exclaimed in unison, both standing up.

"Twins," Anakin breathed, tears sparkling in his eyes. "We're having twins."

"Congratulations!" Ahsoka called, running up to hug him.

"Thanks, Snips," he sniffed. "I've gotta get back in there for Padme now," he continued, patting Ahsoka on the back as he re-entered the room.

"Tell her good luck for us," Ahsoka said. Anakin nodded as he closed the door, smiling nervously.

"Can you believe it? Twins?" Obi-Wan asked as Ahsoka took her seat next to him again, shaking his head in disbelief. "There are going to be three of him now."

"Should be fun," Ahsoka replied, bouncing up and down in her seat as Padme's cries restarted. "Anakin's having twins," Ahsoka explained to R2. "Two babies."

A series of delighted beeps came from the droid as he rocked from side to side. 

Padme let out one last agonizing yell, before her screams were replaced with the cries of a baby. Obi-Wan's hand covered Ahsoka's shoulder once more as she made to get up.

"I'm sure that Padme and Anakin would like to spend some time alo-"

"Get in here! All of you!" Anakin called, running out of the room. He threw his arms around Obi-Wan, nearly lifting him off of the ground. "They're both here!" he cried, releasing his old Master.

Ahsoka ran through the doorway, R2 rolling quickly behind her. She gasped as soon as she saw them. Padme was sitting up against her headboard, a bundle of white cloths in her arms. Next to the bed, the other baby was being wrapped identically.

Padme smiled weakly at her, and motioned for Ahsoka to come sit with her on the bed.

"Congratulations," Ahsoka whispered. "Which one is this?" she asked.

"The boy... Luke," Padme rasped, rocking him back and forth.

"Does the girl have a name yet?"

"Leia," she replied, smiling softly. "Would you like to hold him?" she asked, holding the baby boy out to her. Ahsoka's eyes widened as she took him in her arms, as Leia was lowered into Padme's.

"His eyes are just like Anakin's," Ahsoka whispered, as the baby blinked up at her.

"They are, aren't they?" Anakin responded from behind her. Ahsoka smiled up at her master.

"You should hold him... he's your son," she said, trying to hand the baby to him.

"It's alright, Snips. I want him to get used to his Auntie 'Soka," he replied, his smile brightening even more- if that was possible. He climbed onto the bed, sitting between Padme and Ahsoka.

"I like the sound of that," Ahsoka answered, giggling as Luke wrapped his fist around one of her fingers.

"And of course they have to meet their Uncle Obi," Anakin added, raising his eyebrows excitedly at Obi-Wan, who was kneeling next to Padme, grinning down at Leia.

"Thank you," he said, smiling at his brother. Padme handed Leia over to Anakin, as Ahsoka passed Luke back to his mother.

Anakin's eyes filled with tears once again as he held his daughter for the first time.

"Hi, Leia," he whispered, stroking her dark hair. "Spitting image of you, Angel." He smiled, kissing Padme's cheek.

"She's a little Princess," Ahsoka cooed.

"That she is," Anakin agreed.

"You two will be the godparents, won't you?" Padme asked, struggling to pull her eyes away from her son.

"Of course," Obi-Wan agreed.

"Really?" Ahsoka gasped, her eyes lighting up.

"We wouldn't want it any other way," Anakin promised.

3 days til fridayyyy

Question: favorite Star Wars movie?

Leave ideas if ya want, and have a great day!

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