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Your socks are untied

Ahsoka looked down at her feet, and back up again. She mentally slapped herself for falling for the trick. She made eye contact with her master, who was directly across the room from her, and shook her head, glaring playfully.

Anakin wiggled his eyebrows. 


A tap on her shoulder turned Ahsoka's attention away from Anakin. Master Plo gestured towards the holo-vid that they were supposed to be focusing on.

"Pay attention, Lil 'Soka," he whispered.

"Yes, Master," she answered absentmindedly.

Always getting me into trouble, Skyguy, she said through their bond.

Maybe you shouldn't have fallen for my trick, he replied. This meeting is boring.

Staring contest? Ahsoka suggested.

You're on, Anakin replied. They looked in the direction of one another, and locked eyes. For some reason, both of them found this funny.

You're trying not to smile, Ahsoka pointed out, biting the inside of her cheeks to keep her own grin from coming out.

So are you, he replied, sticking his tongue out. Ahsoka's face broke into a smile, and she held her breath to keep herself from laughing. 

You lose, Anakin continued, as Ahsoka covered her face with her hands to hide her giggles. He quickly looked away as Master Plo turned to face her.

"Quiet, Lil 'Soka," he whispered. Ahsoka nodded.

Aww... did I get you in trouble, Lil 'Soka? Anakin asked. 

Stop that, now, she responded. You don't get to call me that.

My nickname for you is better than his, Anakin retorted.

But my nickname for you is the best, she told him, making eye contact again.

Maybe... HEY! I have an idea... wanna prank Obi-Wan? he suggested.

Of course. I'm sick of listening to this guy ramble on. His face reminds me of a womp rat.

Funny, I was just gonna say that he looks like you, Anakin joked, earning another glare from his student.

That's cold, Skyguy...

Only joking, he said, smiling. Anyway, focus on Obi-Wan's hair. Just move it around with the force- it'll freak him out.

Ahsoka tried not to laugh as she looked towards Master Kenobi. She saw that his hair was blowing slightly to the side, and noticed Anakin biting his lip to keep in his smile.

She did as Anakin had told her, and tried her hardest not to burst out laughing as Obi-Wan began looking around, confused.

He swatted the air around his head, drawing the attention of some of the other Jedi in the room.

"Excuse me," he said, standing up. He strolled out of the room, scratching frantically at his head.

Ahsoka made eye contact with her master. Neither one of them could contain themselves any longer. They fell to the ground, clutching their stomachs as they laughed until they couldn't breathe.

We're in so much trouble, Ahsoka giggled, as Master Plo pulled her up off the ground. Every eye in the room was on her and Anakin.

If we're in it together, we'll make it fun, Anakin promised.

Mando spoilers below 

Okay, I'm sorry but I didn't really like this episode...

I know it's building up to something huge, but I wasn't very intrigued in the plot at all. 

However, I'm glad that they're dragging it out a bit more so that when Ahsoka comes (likely the next episode) it will be more exciting since we had to wait for it.

I'm SOOO excited for next week's episode.

Also when are we gonna talk about boba???

Was it just me who found it a lil boring? Did y'all like it?

Have a great night!

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