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Obi-Wan's brows sunk closer to his eyes as he strained to hear the conversation going on in the back hallway. 

When Ahsoka had dragged Anakin away from the party, wearing an accusatory glare on her orange face,  he had followed them quietly to see what was going on.

So far, all that he had been able to hear was the breaths of whispers as they conversed in hushed voices. None of the actual words they were saying were audible over the loud noises of music and mingling coming from the holiday party that the three were attending.

He narrowed his eyes and focused harder on the two of them.

"What are you two up to?" he mumbled quietly to himself. He took a few steps closer, careful not to let the click, clack of his boots make his presence too obvious to them. Their voices became much clearer as he pressed his back against the wall.

"Why would you say that?" Ahsoka's voice giggled. Her laugh was muffled quickly, leading Obi-Wan to believe that Anakin had covered her mouth to keep her quiet.

"Snips... innocent, little Snips... me talking about sand wasn't the best pick up line-"

"Anakin... that wasn't even a pick up line," Ahsoka interrupted, unable to stifle much more of her laughter.

"Shhh! And what I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted-"


"Shut up." Obi-Wan could clearly hear the smile in his voice. "I was trying to tell you that you just wouldn't understand how numb your mind goes when you're in love with someone."

"Hmmm... well maybe Padme's not in love with you. From what you've told me, everything that she said was normal." 

Obi-Wan's face slackened, his eyes going wide. The sound of a playful smack echoed from the hall, followed by fits of laughter from both sides of the conversation.

"Padme and Anakin," he whispered to himself as the laughter died down. He would not tell anyone. Never. He could not lose his brother. He would keep his secret.

He peeked his head carefully over the corner of the wall. Luckily for him, Ahsoka and Anakin were not looking anywhere near him.

Anakin's legs were crossed, and Ahsoka was on her knees. They were sitting across from one another, still chuckling a bit.

"I'm really glad that you told me... even though I had to drag it out of you, literally," Ahsoka whispered. Anakin gave her a soft smile in return.

"I'm really glad that I told you too," he replied, pulling her to his chest to hug her.

"I won't tell anyone," she promised.

"Thank you."

"But, maybe don't make it so obvious when you're in public. I mean, really, Skyguy, you were practically drooling over her the whole time," she mumbled into his shoulder. Obi-Wan took note of her slightly surprised expression when he didn't reply to her words with some snarky remark. "And when she kissed you on the cheek to say 'hello', you kissed her back like ten times."

Obi-Wan chuckled. He had noticed that as well. However, unlike Ahsoka, he had had enough sense to not drag Anakin away from-

"Obi-Wan!?" Anakin exclaimed. Ahsoka's head snapped in his direction. Obi-Wan realized all too soon that he had laughed out loud.

He watched the pair exchange a look of fear. Ahsoka shifted in her master's lap, clearly trying to steady her expression as Anakin had.

"Ahem, I was just going to use the 'fresher. Excuse me," he covered, crossing the hall and brushing past them.

Anakin's eyes met Ahsoka's, and in seconds, they had toppled to the ground laughing hysterically.

"He really has no idea!" Ahsoka whisper-giggled.

"I guess not!"

But Obi-Wan did know.

He had for a very long time.

The conversation he had overheard only confirmed his suspicions.

He knew that Anakin did not trust him with that information.

He knew that he, himself, would never say anything if Anakin told him.

And, later that night, when mistletoe somehow appeared over Anakin and Padme's heads, he knew that Ahsoka was raising her hand, ever so slightly, keeping it in the air above them, the crack of a smile on her face.

So (mando spoilers)

New episode was fun


kinda sad abt the death of the razor crest, but also now we don't have to wait for mando to fix it every other episode.

Grogu was captured so OH NO

But whatever Jedi who MUST have felt his presence when he was on the rock will probably come help them get him out


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