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request from Mar17209 !! i... literally know nothing about skateboarding BUT i have gone to the skate park sometimes to go rollerblading or ripsticking so i'll just use my knowledge of that to try and make this sound okay hahaha

also! this was based on a post on tumblr that wattpad just won't let me link, but if you scroll down a bit on my account it's there! creds to the artist @fazzlepn :)

"Careful, careful," Anakin laughed, grabbing onto Ahsoka's hands to try and steady her. "I don't think you're supposed to go down that hill—it's just for tricks."

"But I can do it!" she persisted, shaking him off of her.

Anakin crossed his arms, one foot resting on his board as he waited for her to demonstrate how she could clear the park's biggest ramp on the first day that she had ever stepped on a skateboard.

She looked down at the distance to the ground and back up to her feet.

"But could you hold my hands just in case?"

"Of course," Anakin chuckled, rolling his eyes as if he had already seen this coming.

"Shush," Ahsoka said as he pushed his skateboard off to the side, taking his place in front of her.

"Relax, I've got you," he said in response to the way that her hands immediately tightened around his wrists.

She took a deep breath, letting him wrap his hands around hers, taking control.

"You've got this, Snips. I won't let you fall," he said with a smile.

"I've got this," she repeated, lowering her foot to the ground to kick off lightly, rolling closer and closer to the edge.

"Don't let it roll out from under you," Anakin said, speed walking beside her.

"I know, I can do it," she replied, nodding vigorously.

He nodded back as the front wheels finally tipped over the edge of the hill, her balance unsteady for a moment as she got used to the incline, Anakin running along side her as he let go.

"Keep your balance!" he called over the loud sound of rolling wheels.

"I did it!" she cried as she finally hit the bottom, the board still rolling at an alarming speed beneath her right towards the—oh no.

"Watch out!" Anakin shouted just a second too late.

He ran over to her side where she was sprawled out on the pavement after crashing into the bench.

"Hey, hey, you okay?" he asked. "Montrals, arms, legs? Everything still working?"

She opened her eyes drowsily, throwing both fists in the air.

"Anakin," she laughed deliriously. "I did it."

there are so few chapters left i'm going to CRY

also does anyone know if anxiety can like mess with your eating patterns and stuff cuz it has for me before but only for like a day or so. my anxiety has been INSANE in the past week and i haven't been able to keep much down so idk if that has something to do with it??? help ig ahshsjks

Snips and Skyguy One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now