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@kailyn_ashla thank you for suggestions!

"Hurry up! We're gonna be late!"

"We already are late because someone wanted to sleep in instead of going to the briefing!" Ahsoka replied grumpily, glaring at her master, following closely behind him as they dashed down the hall.

"Well, someone shouldn't have forgotten to go get breakfast while I was getting dressed!" Anakin snapped back.

"I wouldn't have had to get breakfast if someone hadn't eaten the last of our food last night!"


"You two might want to keep it down," Obi-Wan's voice interrupted as he exited a small room to greet them. "We can all hear your bickering in here." He gestured to the room before stepping aside to let the two of them in for their briefing.

"Ah, waiting for you two for awhile, we have been," Yoda spoke, waving his hand to an open spot between him and Obi-Wan at the table. Anakin and Ahsoka both glared at one another, before taking their spots.

"We have received a distress signal from Onderon. Lux Bonteri has requested aid and support for his people," Obi-Wan explained.

At the mention of Lux's name, Anakin nudged Ahsoka in the side. Without moving her glance from the table, she stomped on his foot.

"To Onderon, you both will go," Yoda continued.

"We'll go get the Twilight ready," Ahsoka stated, gesturing to her and Anakin.

"May the force be with you," Yoda replied. Ahsoka and Anakin both bowed their heads, before repeating the phrase, and exiting the briefing room.

Ahsoka skipped along side her master, having to take great leaps to keep up with his long legs.

"How long do you think this mission'll take?" she asked.

"Few days at most. Then again, it depends on-" The ground quivered beneath them. They looked at one another in confusion.

"Come on, we've gotta get the others out of here!" Ahsoka called. Her and Anakin took off, running at the briefing room as quickly as they could.

But they were too late.


Everything was happening at once. 

Anakin looked down to see that where his feet had been just seconds earlier was a gaping hole. Bits of metal were flying around the building. He shielded his eyes, one thought in his mind as he attempted to look around: "Where is my Padawan?"

A pair of orange hands pushed what looked like Master Yoda away from the center of the explosion. Anakin caught sight of this, and ran at his student.

"Watch out!" Ahsoka cried, as the ceiling from above them began to collapse. Anakin's immediate instinct was to run and cover his Padawan, protecting her from the impact. Unfortunately, Ahsoka had the exact same intentions for her master. 

They crashed into one another, and both ricocheted backwards, tumbling onto the ground. Just as a huge chunk of metal fell from above them, Anakin grabbed Ahsoka by the foot, dragging her over to him, and out of the way.

"The entrance is blocked! We can't get out!" he yelled to her over the commotion.

"We can take cover over here!" Ahsoka shouted back, jumping into a hole that had been caused by the explosion. She grabbed Anakin's hand, pulling him down with her.

They fell for a few seconds, landing in a pile of dirt, at least a few feet down from the Jedi temple wreckage. The light from above them went out as the entire ceiling fell, trapping them.

Ahsoka had not yet let go of Anakin's hand, nor did she want to. She held onto him even tighter. She turned to face him, her eyes wide with fear. He grabbed for her other hand with his robotic one.

"We're gonna be fine," he promised. "Are you injured?" he asked, trying to scrape the blood that was seeping from his ankle off of his leg with his boot.

"A little bit," she mumbled, letting go of one of Anakin's hands in order to pull up the bottom of the left leg of her leggings. Her mangled calf was bleeding badly, a large piece of metal sticking out of it.

"Kriff," Anakin cursed. "I know it's painful, Snips, but we can't take it out yet. The bleeding could kill you."

"How do we get out of here? Couldn't we just cut through everything with our lightsabers?" she suggested.

"No, the whole place would collapse on us," Anakin replied. He gently let go of her other hand. He packed together a large pile of dirt, and propped her up. He lifted her foot carefully, and set it down on the dirt. He stood up to look around for a way out.

"We could try lifting the debris out of our way with the force."

"We could," Anakin agreed nodding. "Are you sure you're up for that though?"

"Of course," Ahsoka lied, forcing her dizzy eyes to stay open.

"Alright... let's give it a shot." Anakin stooped down to help her up, wrapping his arm around her to keep her steady and balanced. They both closed their eyes, each stretching one hand out and up.

"Oh no," Ahsoka murmured. Her knees buckled, and she found herself facing towards the ground before Anakin quickly reached out and caught her. 

He pulled her back into a standing position.

"I'm okay, I'm okay," she slurred. "I can do this, I promise."

"Why don't we get some rest first? Once we regain our energy, we'll be able to move it." Anakin lowered her back to the ground as she protested.

"What if we run out of air before we wake up?"

"We won't. I'll hold my breath," he said sarcastically. "Now, go to sleep, Snips." 

Ahsoka's head lolled to the side, dirt staining her montrals. Anakin moved her over, knowing how touchy she could get about her lekku. He moved over so that her back was up against his arm, her head resting lightly in the crook of his neck. He closed his own eyes, wrapped his arm around her protectively, and quickly drifted off.

It was Ahsoka who awoke first. She squeezed Anakin's hand, which was resting on her forearm. He blinked his eyes.

"We've got to get out of here now," Ahsoka reminded him.

"Mmm," he agreed, still not fully awake. "Let's get to it then."

They both stood up, their hands still entwined, as to let the force run through both of them, doubling their strength. They each reached a hand out, and with great difficulty, moved the debris out of the way.

They high-fived exhaustedly, and began the slow climb up to the remains of the Jedi Temple.

I have a class in 8 minutes and i might have to to talk to my teacher in front of everyone about my project and I'm literally so scared because ya know ✨ social anxiety ✨ AHHHHHH

Ok I did it and I was literally overreacting like I always do 🙄

Have a great day and leave ideas if ya want!

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