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"Done!" Ahsoka exclaimed, smiling at her work. Padme reached her hands back, and patted down the braids that Ahsoka had just put into her hair. She held up the hand mirror and turned from side to side, admiring the Togruta's work.

"It looks beautiful, Ahsoka! Thank you," the young Senator replied, climbing up onto the couch next to her. "You picked braiding up quickly for someone who lives with a bunch of boys."

Ahsoka chuckled. "And for someone who doesn't have actual hair," she added. Padme nodded in agreement, grinning.


"Oh, that'll be the cookies. I'll go get them out of the oven. You can start the film," Padme said, hopping up out of her seat.

Ahsoka grabbed the remote from next to her, and pressed play.

She had been having the time of her life with Padme in the past few days. Anakin and Obi-Wan had both been sent off on a mission about two weeks ago. It was only supposed to last a few days, but they found that they were needed more than they had realized.

Padme had immediately asked Ahsoka if she would like to come and live with her until Anakin returned. She hated the idea of her friend being stuck in her quarters all alone everyday.

Besides, it would be a good distraction from the worry that they both felt for Anakin. He had promised that he would contact them every night, but his promise had broken after a few days.

While it was typical of him to forget things like that, there was really no way for his wife or Padawan to know his current condition.

In the past week, Padme had taught Ahsoka how to cook, bake, and- most recently -braid hair. After many broken eggs and flour spills, they had finally placed a perfected batch of chocolate chip cookies into the oven. 

Padme strode back into the living room, the warm smell of freshly baked cookies wafting from the tray she was carrying.

"I just received a transmission from Duchess Satine. She says that Obi-Wan just contacted her. They still aren't sure when they should be home," she explained with a frown.

"I wish that they would let me go and meet up with them..." Ahsoka murmured. She had tried to sneak along on the mission after Anakin told her that it was too dangerous. Unfortunately, he had quickly caught her and sent her back. "Not, that I'm not enjoying my time here. These have been the best weeks of my life," she added.

"I've had a lot of fun as well," Padme replied, struggling to smile through her fear for her husband.

"He'll be fine. Trust me- the Seppies don't stand a chance against my master," Ahsoka responded proudly.

Padme wrapped her arm around Ahsoka, and Ahsoka leaned into her as they watched their film together.

Suddenly, their was an abrupt knock on the door. Padme sauntered across the floor to open it.

"Oh my goodness!" she cried.

"Surprise!" Anakin's voice rang throughout the apartment. Ahsoka leapt over the back of the couch, almost face planting into the floor.

Anakin leaned down to kiss his wife. Ahsoka ran at them and tackled them into a group hug as they broke their kiss.

"I thought you still didn't know when you would be returning!" Padme exclaimed, leading the group into the living room.

"I had Obi-Wan contact Satine and have her relay you the message as a prank. I wanted to surprise you!" Anakin said cheerfully, receiving a playful punch in the shoulder from Padme.

"Well, thanks for that," Ahsoka muttered sarcastically.

"We still have some things to talk about. Sneaking on board? You're not off the hook yet, Young Lady."

"Don't 'Young Lady' me!" Ahsoka snapped.

"Oh, Ani, leave her alone."

"So, what was your count for this mission?" Ahsoka asked eagerly, sitting down between her master and his wife.

"Three hundred and ninety-four," Anakin replied, smirking. Ahsoka's jaw dropped. "You're never gonna beat that, Snips."

"You had two weeks, Master!" Ahsoka whined. "I'm never gonna even get an opportunity to beat you."

Anakin rolled his eyes, wrapping his arm around his favorite girls.

"My Padawan, all I hear are excuses."

Ahsoka and Padme both rolled their eyes as the film began to play again.

Ahsoka looked sadly at her two best friends- her family -sitting next to her.

Someday... someday we can be a proper family.

Lmao I had no clue how to end this one. Leave ideas if ya want, and have a great day!

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