Do Not Mess with the Child Sister of Anakin Skywalker

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Request from CAW15020

Y'all I'm quickly running out of ideas for these titles lmao

"I... don't understand," Ahsoka whispered into her holopad. "I thought that you said we made it work- that you were willing to make it work!" she continued, her voice rising into a quiet shout.

"Ahsoka, quiet your voice," Lux hissed. "Your master might hear you."

"Since when do you give a damn about my master? You were the one who told me we could sneak around the Jedi code! You were the one who said you were willing to find a way for us to work! And now you're the one who wants to break things off?!" she exclaimed, not noticing the halt of the footsteps outside her door.

"I'm sorry, Ahsoka. I'll admit that I didn't realize how difficult it would be. I can't do this for any longer," Lux sighed.

"So that's it? You're just gonna dump me then?"


"No. You can't dump me, if I dump you first. We're done, Lux. Done," she spat, ending the call. 

Tears burned in her eyes as she screamed into her pillow, pounding her fists into the mattress of her bed.

"Hey, hey!" Anakin called, rushing in. He quickly lifted her up to face him. "Oh, Snips," he spoke softly, crushing her in a hug.

He slowly reached for her holopad, keeping one hand securely around her back.

"What's going on?" he murmured, discreetly entering her passcode.

"I... don't want to talk about it," she whispered back, burying her face in his shoulder.

"Okay, okay. Whatever it is, I'm here for you." He shut the holopad off as he found what he needed to.

The last thing that she had done was call Lux.

His suspicions about the conversations he had heard from outside her door were confirmed.

"What do you say we give Mr. Bonteri a proper dumping?" he asked after a few silent moments.

"What?!" Ahsoka gasped, pulling away to gape at her master's laughing face.

"I know," he answered. "And I also know that it might make you feel a lot better if you let me dump him." He grinned mischieviously.

"What exactly are you going to do?" Ahsoka asked, an almost identical expression appearing on her own face.

"Oh, you'll see."


"Tell me that wasn't the greatest thing you've ever witnessed!" Anakin yelled, howling with laughter as Ahsoka slid down the wall, wiping tears of her own laughter from her eyes.

"How..." she inhaled sharply, trying to suppress her giggles "did you manage to pull that off?!"

"I have some friends in the Senate who know a lot about... thin fabrics," he wheezed, nearly collapsing to the floor as he doubled over.

"Worked pretty well, didn't it?" Padme asked, rushing over to the pair. "That was the most eventful meeting we have had in ages."

"You?!" Ahsoka exclaimed, her chuckles finally dying down as she pointed a finger at the Senator. "You were the one who gave Lux those see-through clothes?!"

"I have had one too many incidents with the lighting making my own clothing see-through in there. I was happy to help with your revenge," Padme giggled. "Besides, it made listening to his speech a lot less boring."

"Thank you!" Ahsoka stood up to hug Padme tightly. 

"I think it was only appropriate for Padme to  help us. She is practically your sister-in-law," Anakin whispered. 

Both Padme and Ahsoka froze. They pulled apart, turning to face Anakin.

"Wha-" Ahsoka began.

Padme laughed nervously. 

"He's just kidding. We-"

"No, Padme. I'm ready to tell her," Anakin interrupted. "Snips, Padme and I are married... and I trust you to keep quiet about it."

Ahsoka's jaw dropped. She turned to Padme, who was smiling warmly.

"How the kriff did someone as perfect as Padme fall for you?!" was all that she could manage to say.

"I ask myself that question everyday," Padme joked, wrapping her arm around Ahsoka's shoulders.

"Rude," Anakin muttered, wrapping his arm around Ahsoka from the other side. "We can trust you, right, Ahsoka?"

"Of course."

"What do two say to Dex's?" Anakin asked.

"I think that sounds perfect," Ahsoka replied.

And when Lux tripped on his way out the door, all three of them pretended not to see the flick of Anakin's wrist.

the only good thing about the lux/ahsoka ship is the height difference and i will stand by that (though luxsoka is one of the only acceptable ships imo lol)

have a great day and leave ideas if ya want!


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