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"Ouch," Ahsoka muttered, rubbing the spot on her knee where she had been grazed by a blaster bolt, as she limped up onto the ship. They had run out of bandages and most of their medical supplies, so the less extreme wounds would be left uncovered until they arrived back home.

Ahsoka practically collapsed into her seat, exhausted. Her muscles were so sore that she could hardly lift her arm to reattach her lightsaber to her belt, and she was pretty certain that she had pulled something in her shoulder.

Anakin sat down beside her, equally tired. He brushed his hair out of his face before nudging his Padawan.

"You okay, Snips?" he asked as she winced, rubbing the spot on her shoulder where he had elbowed her.

"Yeah," she murmured, laying her head down on his shoulder. "Could use an ice bath for my muscles when we get back though." She closed her eyes. Without saying another word, she was out like a light.

"Commander alright?" Rex asked, taking a seat on the other side of her.

"Just tired, I guess," Anakin replied. "Why don't you get some rest too. I'll go let the boys know that I'll take care of everything until we're back on Coruscant. You all deserve the rest." 

He gently pushed Ahsoka to the side, tipping the weight of her head onto Rex's shoulder.

"You don't mind, right?" he asked, gesturing to his sleeping student. Rex shook his head.

"She got us out of a real tight situation today. You've done a great job teaching her, General."

"Today was all her idea, Rex," Anakin replied, rubbing her shoulder. He smiled proudly, and strode off.

The next thing she knew, Ahsoka was awoken by a blast of cold air. She blinked wearily, and looked up to see that Rex was snoring quietly next to her. She carefully stood up, leaned him up against the wall, and went to go determine the source of the drastic temperature change.

She found Anakin in the cockpit. He was rummaging through a large compartment.

"Hey," she greeted. "What are all those for? You putting on a fashion show or something?" she asked as he pulled a pile of coats and blankets out onto the ground.

"No, we ran out of fuel. Heat's gonna be gone til Obi-Wan's supply ship gets here tomorrow morning," he explained.

"Great," Ahsoka muttered. 

"Hey, at least you'll be practically getting your ice bath now," Anakin joked, tossing her a blanket. "Let's go pass these around to the troopers before they freeze to death."

They spent the next hour passing coats and blankets around to the sleeping men, before huddling together under the control board, wrapping their blankets tightly around themselves.

"How's the shoulder?" he asked.

"Eh, could be worse," she replied, shrugging. "How bout you?"

"Well, physically, I'm fine. But, you know, I'm just missing Padme," he responded, shivering.

"Aww," Ahsoka said, nudging him in the side. "Ow," she winced, as Anakin rolled his eyes chuckling. His smile quickly turned to a look of concern, his eyebrows knit together.

"What's wrong with your shoulder?" he questioned.

"Nothing!" she promised.

"Ahsoka," he said, changing his tone from 'cool-older-brother' to 'fatherly concern'.

"Fine... I think I might've pulled some muscles or something," she explained. "But I'm fine. We've only got a few hours until we can get back home."

"Here, I know what'll help," he said, scooting closer to her. He pulled his hands out from under his blanket, blowing on them to warm up, and began massaging around the spot that seemed to be causing her pain.

"Okay, but don't use your metal hand this time. Last time, you nearly broke my back with that thing."

"I think you're exaggerating."

"I think not," Ahsoka said, leaning her head back to smirk at him. He sighed and rolled his eyes, laughing to himself.

"Are you up for pranking some of the boys later?" Anakin asked.

"Oh, kriff yeah!" Ahsoka cheered. "How about we-" Her stomach dropped. Anakin's hand froze on her shoulder.

"Oh no," he muttered. "Oh no, no, no, no, no..."

Ahsoka stood up quickly.

"Over there," she stated, pointing to the source of the smoky smell that had startled them both. Anakin hoisted himself up and frantically ran towards the engine.

"It's the wiring," Ahsoka called, grabbing at the cords. Anakin quickly got to work, Ahsoka tossing him supplies every few moments. He narrated everything he was doing, knowing that Obi-Wan would kill him if he didn't use this as a teaching moment.

"Got it!" Anakin cheered. As the ship jolted back on course, Anakin and Ahsoka were both tossed to the side, smacking heads with one another.

"Oww," they both groaned. 

"Y-you also s-seeing d-d-double?" Anakin asked, shaking as the cold took over him.

"D-d-dizzy," Ahsoka agreed, gratefully allowing her master to wrap the blanket around her shivering frame. "All... g-going... b...lack," she continued, collapsing up against him, her eyes closing.

"Y-yeah..." Anakin squeezed his arms around her, trying his hardest to warm her up before the unconscious from his inevitable concussion overtook him.

If it hadn't been for the fact that several clones had staggered into the cockpit to see what the commotion was, he would've forced himself to stay awake.

"We'll take care of everything, General," Fives promised. 

Anakin blinked hard, everything going blurry.

"Thank you."

2 days til friday!

Have a great day, and leave ideas if ya have any!

Snips and Skyguy One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now