Talk to Her

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Request from crazymango77

Back from my day off of school.... yayyy 😐

"Have you told her what happened yet?"

"No... and I'm not planning on doing it any time soon."

Obi-Wan heaved a great sigh, looking backwards to see the doors that separated himself and Anakin from the bunk where Ahsoka had passed out an hour earlier.

"Anakin," he began, turning back to face his former apprentice. "She deserves to know."

"No. I'm her master, so I'm making the decision not to tell her," Anakin countered, curling his fists tightly.

"If you died, wouldn't you want me to tell you?"

Anakin squeezed his eyes shut, letting his head fall forwards and face the ground.

"Be honest with yourself," Obi-Wan continued.

"Fine. Yes, I would want you to tell me. But that's me we're talking about! I know Ahsoka well enough that I can confidently say that it would just freak her out."

Obi-Wan raised his eyebrows, cocking his head to the side.

"If you really think that's what she would answer if she were in your position, then I don't think we're talking about the same Ahsoka," he replied

"I'm not going to-"

"You don't realize how alike you two are, do you?"

"She's better off not knowing," Anakin continued, purposely ignoring Obi-Wan's words.

"Not knowing what?" Ahsoka called from her bed. Anakin's face paled as he realized that she'd probably heard their whole argument. "What aren't you telling me?"

The door slid open and she took her seat behind Anakin once again.

"How'd you sleep, Snips?" Anakin asked gruffly, keeping his eyes directed on the sky in front of them.

Knowing that he wouldn't be able to see her do it, Ahsoka rolled her eyes.

"Well, I was sleeping alright until I heard you both arguing over telling me something," she answered, catching the small smile that spread across her grandmaster's lips.

Anakin sighed loudly.

"It was nothing, Ahso-"

"For the love of... Anakin, she isn't stupid," Obi-Wan interrupted, shaking his head and pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Does this have anything to do with the fact that I can't remember what happened after the Son bit me? The next thing I knew, I was waking up and the Daughter was dead," Ahsoka chided, now looking to Obi-Wan to answer her.

"I think you should let Anakin tell you," he responded with a small smile. Good luck, he mouthed, making her laugh a little.

"Alright," Ahsoka spoke slowly. "What... what happened that I forgot about?" she tried again.

"You... Ahsoka, you sort of... kind of..."

"Out with it, Anakin," Obi-Wan coaxed.

"... died," Anakin whispered inaudibly.

"Excuse me? Did you just say that I 'died'?"

"How the kriff did you hear that?" Anakin grumbled.

"Montrals are superior to ears," she replied with a smirk. "Now... if you could, um, explain what you mean by 'died'..."

"Perhaps, I should take over with the flying. It seems that your Padawan needs you right now," Obi-Wan interjected, gently pushing Anakin's hands away from the ship's controls.

"Alright," Anakin sighed, standing up. He turned on his heel to face a very confused-looking Ahsoka.


"Shh, just let me explain," he said, holding up a finger to silence her. "I'll answer all of your questions when I'm finished, I promise."


"When the Son... got to you, he turned you... well, didn't exactly turn you, since you weren't yourself, but he... he made you act like you had turned to the dark side. You were talking in this creepy voice, and your eyes were yellow... like a Sith's," Anakin began. Ahsoka opened her mouth to speak again, but with a quick lift of his finger, Anakin silenced her.

"Anyways, I showed up to bring you back down to the ship, and... we had a bit of a disagreement... and then you died."

"A bit vague on the details, don't you think?" Obi-Wan piped in from the pilot's seat. Anakin turned around to glare at him.

"There was... a bit more to it. We fought. As in, Obi-Wan and I versus you. When Obi-Wan showed up, he brought this blade that was supposed to control the Son. However, you stole it from him and gave it to the Son. After you finished helping him... he decided to kill you because you weren't useful to him anymore."

Ahsoka's widened eyes looked down to her abdomen, as if she were expecting to see a stab wound there.

"No, no, no," Anakin interrupted. "He... just... sort of tapped your head and you collapsed."

"Dead?" Ahsoka asked, subconsciously reaching up to brush her fingers against her head.

"Dead. I felt it in myself," he whispered. "But, then everything was okay because the daughter was able to transfer her life force to you!" he quickly reassured, hoping that the realization would bring a smile to her gloomy face.

It didn't.

"B-but, how did she do that?"

"Since Anakin's going to be humble and not tell you, I will," Obi-Wan called from in front of them. "They used him as a vessel to transport the life force from the Daughter to you, Ahsoka."

"You did that? For me?" she asked, looking up at her master incredilously.

"Of course," Anakin replied softly. "Of course I did that for you."

"Thank you," Ahsoka said, wrapping her arms around his torso. "For everything."

thaaaaank youuu foooor reeeeeaaaadinggggg

idk what that was lol

have a great day, and leave ideas if ya want!

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