Breaking the News

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hey, here's a request from CsC_13 that gave me an excuse to write ANAKIN AND REX HURT/COMFORT YAY

He had thought that the walk back into the temple would be the hardest part, but he realized he was sorely mistaken the moment that he looked into Rex's eyes and quietly stated,

"She isn't coming back."

The Captain's face was stoic as he blinked twice before nodding his head.

"She left on her own terms, didn't she?" he asked. Anakin closed his eyes, his head turning to the side.

"Yeah," he confirmed. "The coun- I asked her back, but she... she turned me down."

Rex just nodded again.

"Sir, I-"

"Er, is something wrong?" Jesse asked, coming up behind his brother. Rex turned around to see the curious faces of a good portion of the 501st staring at him and the General.

He turned back to face Anakin, raising an eyebrow, trying to convey the question of,

Should we tell them?

Anakin inhaled deeply before closing his eyes and giving him a solemn nod. He took another deep breath and stepped past Rex, putting on the best General-face he could.

"At ease," he said softly, contemplating for a moment before gesturing for his men to sit down.

Anakin naturally seated himself in a cross-legged position, which was imitated by Rex who lowered himself beside him, a very confused look on his face.

The identical faces of his brothers held the same expression as they came to the ground as well.

Fives and Jesse squatted down next to one another, sharing a wide-eyed look that clearly said,

He's really lost it now, hasn't he?

"As you all know, Com- Ahsoka was proven innocent at her trial yesterday," Anakin began, his voice too soft for any of their liking.

"Something's really wrong," Fives muttered to Tup, who had sat cross-legged on the other side of him. 

Tup looked up at his brother with wide eyes, nodding in agreement.

"I've just spoken to Rex about," Anakin coughed, "what happened afterward." He could feel his whole body shaking as he absentmindedly traced a pattern on the floor with his index finger.

He swallowed hard his voice cracking slightly as he spoke again.

"Ahsoka," he began, "Ahsoka... she's..." he inhaled sharply, his breath shaking. "Kriff I can't do this," he muttered.

"We've lost another brother, boys," Rex covered, laying a tentative hand on his General's shoulder. "Commander Tano felt that it would be best for her to leave the Jedi Order, and by extension, the Grand Army of the Republic. She will no longer be serving with us."


"I'm sure you have questions," Rex continued, giving Fives a stern look to get him to close his gaping mouth, "but they can wait for another day."

A silence fell over the room. Fives was shaking, his fists clenched nearly as tightly as his jaw.

"She didn't even say goodbye," he whispered through clenched teeth.

"That's enough, Fives," Rex snapped. "We'll talk more about this later. You're all dismissed."

The men stood up, the room beginning to clear out. That left just Anakin and Rex sitting on the floor, the latter of the two gently lifting his hand off of the other's shoulder.

"Would you like to be alone, Sir?" he asked. Anakin shook his head. Raising his gaze from the floor to reveal the two shiny tear tracks that ran down his face.

"Thank you for telling them for me," he whispered. "I didn't think it would be this hard to speak about her. It's not like she's dead or anything. But then again, how am I even supposed to know if she is- out there alone on kriffing Coruscant of places?"

"Well, she's dealt with a lot by your side before, hasn't she? You and I both know damn well that she can take care of herself."

"I guess your right," he agreed. "I'm just being selfish because I miss her."

"I'm sure she misses you too," Rex said softly. Anakin paused.

"Are you... upset that she didn't say goodbye too?" he asked.

"Not exactly... something tells me we're gonna see her again."

... and then they did.... but she was mean to anakin and everybody died and then her and rex had to separate for 15 years.... BUT THEN THEY GET A HUG SO IT'S ALL OKAY


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