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Ahsoka raised a glass of water to her lips, smiling up at the dark sky. Her master had left about fifteen minutes ago for an emergency transmission. The excitement of a new mission had built up inside of her, and she found that she couldn't sleep because of it.

When the metal door finally slid open, she was bouncing up and down on her toes as she frantically began asking questions.

"What's the problem? Where do we get to go? When are we leaving?"

"Um... it's... it's nothing, Snips. We don't have a mission," he said quietly, rubbing his robotic hand over his face. "We need to talk."

He sat her down on the couch, seating himself a few inches away. His eyes would not budge from the floor.

"Master...?" Ahsoka asked after a few moments.

"I... I'm not exactly sure how to tell you this," he began, shaking his head.

"O...kay," Ahsoka sang. "Just tell it to me straight. I can take it," she promised, sitting up.

"I..." he rubbed his hand over his face again, "I convinced the council to let me be the one to tell you because... well, because I knew that if they told you, they wouldn't take this seriously enough. It's something that should be taken seriously and they just don't-"

"Just spit it out!"

"Your parents were killed." His eyes finally unlocked from the ground, slowly looking up from his slouched position to take in her reaction.

It was Ahsoka's turn to look at the floor.

"Oh." No tears- nothing. "Oh."

Anakin erased the gap between them on the couch, resting his hand on her leg.

"I'm so, so sorry, Snips."

"Oh," she repeated. "Thanks," she stated emotionlessly as his words sunk in.

They sat in silence for a few minutes. Anakin had no idea what to say. He had been expecting her to break down in tears. He knew how to deal with that. But silence- he was not expecting that. He couldn't read her blank expression, and when he tried to enter her mind to get a gage on how she was feeling, he found that her mental shields were locked tightly.


"I don't- didn't -know them," she sighed. "I was taken when I was three... I can't remember anything."

She shook her head a little bit, and closed her eyes. "I don't know why I'm upset. I didn't even know them." 

Anakin placed on hand on each shoulder, turning her to face him.

"Hey, look at me," he whispered. Her big blue eyes met his. "You have every right to be upset- they're your parents."

"Were my parents," Ahsoka corrected him, swallowing hard. 

"Come here." He pulled her forward, arms pressed against her back.

Her arms lay stuck to her sides. As the numbness of shock began to wear off, she closed them behind Anakin's back, finally letting the tears come out.

"Shhhh, it's okay," he murmured. "I've got you, I've got you."

Ahsoka breathed heavily, trying to be aware of her surroundings, as she had been taught. 

Couch, quarters, Master, she thought to herself. Warm hug, metal hand rubbing lekku, tears all over robe.

"I'm sorry," she cried.

"Hey, hey, you've got nothing to apologize for. Just let it out, okay? Better to get it all out now than tomorrow in front of the rest of the Jedi," he said soothingly.

Ahsoka knew what he was really saying though. Better to get it out in front of him because crying in front of the rest of the order would get her in trouble. She knew how lucky she was to have a Master like him.

"I don't even know what parents are like," she continued, her breath steadying.

"Well... I can tell you about my mother if you'd like," he responded. "Unless that's insensitive. I shouldn't have-"

"No, it's okay... I want to hear about her," Ahsoka interrupted. Anakin pulled back, looking down at her sad eyes.

He took a deep breath, pushing the pain of his mother's memory below the surface. Ahsoka was the one who needed his attention right now.

"Well," he began, lifting his hands to wipe the tears from her face. "Whenever I was upset, she would comb my hair," he moved one of his hands around her head, and to her lekku, softly tracing the patterns, "and she would lift me up onto her lap... rock me back and forth, and we would just sit there for... I don't even know how long," he sighed, enjoying the peaceful memories.

A thoughtful look played across his face. He patted his lap. Ahsoka got the message, cautiously moving forward. Anakin helped her up, wrapping his arms around her stomach, humming as he rocked her from side to side.

Ahsoka closed her eyes, still sniffling slightly.


"Yes, Snips?"

"Does this make you my parent?" she asked quietly. Anakin let out a small laugh.

"Maybe a little bit," he decided. 

"Thank you," Ahsoka replied. "For everything."

So I see them more as brother and sister, but I also LOVEEE the father/daughter relationship as well. Also (even though we don't know enough about the character), I think I can officially say that I'm a Nyxsoka shipper. Idk what it is cuz we've only seen a few minutes of footage with him... but I actually really like the ship hahaha.

Thank you all for 9k reads. You're all too kind 🥺

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