Just A Kid

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Request from Seaotter17

let's do it

"Senator Amidala!" Anakin called, striding over to his wife. She greeted him with a knowing smile, placing her hand on top of his as he offered it to her.

"To what do I owe the pleasure, Knight Skywalker?" she asked quietly as they began to walk.

"Well, I heard that you were having some issues with the electricity in your apartment... I thought I might be able to take a look at things tonight," he suggested, keeping his face neutral.

"That's a very kind offer. I'll have to take you up on it," Padme replied. "When should I be expecting you?"

"In about an hour... my lady," Anakin finished. "See you then." He bent down to kiss her hand. Padme rolled her eyes at the formalities.


They parted ways, Anakin trying to think of what excuse he could use for Ahsoka as to why he wouldn't be in their quarters that night.

"Snips?!" he called loudly, arriving at their door and entering. He made his way over to her bedroom door, knocking a quick rhythm. "Snips?" he asked again, pulling the door open.

She appeared to not be in their quarters as Anakin looked around the tiny room. 

"Forgot to make her bed again," he muttered, feeling himself transition into a bit of a 'dad-mode' as he considered comming her to come clean up her bedroom. He thought better of it he caught sight of a note on her door. The scribbled words read:

In training room C, practicing with Barriss, will be back by dinner- A

"Hanging out with friends when her room's a mess?" he grumbled. His eyes fell to her childish handwriting once again and his heart softened. Spending time with her friends was one of the few normal things that his Padawan was able to do at her young age. "Alright," he said to himself.

He had one hour before Padme's, so he decided to make it count. He lifted the blankets off of Ahsoka's mattress, tossing them to the ground. He pulled the corners of her tight sheet around the edges of her mattress, flattening out the wrinkles. As he lifted the blankets off of the floor, he heard a small thump.

He neatly placed the blankets back on the bed, before turning to see what it was that had fallen out of them.

"Is that a tauntaun?" he laughed, picking up the small stuffed animal. It was worn out, definitely old, and had teeth marks all over it's left leg.

"Hey, Master. Whatcha doing in my room?" Ahsoka's voice questioned, interrupting Anakin's investigation.

"Thought I'd clean up in here while you were out," he answered, turning around to face her. He tossed the stuffed animal to her. "Found this. Where'd you get it?"

"Oh!" Ahsoka replied, schooling her tone to sound a bit confused. "I- I don't know."

"Snips, you know I won't snitch on you for having possessions," Anakin responded with a little laugh. "I'm only curious."

"It's... it's stupid."

"Tell me," Anakin insisted, leaning backwards on his arms against her bed.

"Well... before I was brought to the temple, the people of my village in Shili didn't exactly trust me because I had the Force. Well, everyone except for my parents from what Master Plo told me. I used to find comfort from that in little toys like this."

Anakin nodded to show that he was listening.

"Anyways, one of the only things that I do remember from there was that when I left with Master Plo, this stuffed tauntaun was the only thing that I was allowed to bring with me. I guess that he softened up a bit when I asked to bring it. I used to chew on it when I was teething when I was little. I would carry it around everywhere. It just makes me think of back when everything was peaceful. It's stupid, I know... just a good memory, I guess," Ahsoka explained.

"It's not stupid, it's sweet" Anakin promised, looking much less amused than Ahsoka thought he would. "I actually have something similar." 

"What is it?"

"One of my blankets from back on Tatooine. It's much too small for me now, but sometimes I just hold it while I sleep to remind myself of my mother. Maybe we're just both stupid," he joked, making Ahsoka giggle.


Anakin looked down at his chrono, jumping as he realized what time it was.

"I... uh... I have to go," he said. Ahsoka raised an eye marking.

"I'm meeting up with some... people... somewhere," he explained, walking over to the door of their quarters. "I might not get back here tonight, so just... comm me if you need me."

Ahsoka rolled her eyes as he left. She tossed the stuffed tauntaun up and down, before jokingly speaking to it.

"I know where he's really going. I'm not stupid," she chuckled, throwing it back to its place on her bed.

Guess who rewatcched the wrong jedi arc today???????? I laid on the floor yelling "WHYYYY" for like ten minutes afterwads.

I noticed something in it that i feel like is never talked abt and it's this one part where anakin and ahsoka are walking with barriss (that b!tch) and anakin has to leave and he tells ahsoka "Go, be with your friend." And so she leaves, and then he says something along the lines of "in many ways, she's still just a kid." (i cant remember the exact quote) but IT WAS SO CUTE AND I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT IT

anyways, have a great night and leave ideas if ya want :)

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