He Was Our Brother

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au where ahsoka was there with obi-wan for the death of padme and they get to say goodbye

Obi-Wan's hand was stiff in her own as Ahsoka watched Senator Amidala take her last breath. The screaming twins were being cleaned by a medical droid, their cries the only sound that could be heard in the room.

Ahsoka was shaking.

Anakin wasn't here.

And that wasn't okay.

Padme had said that there was 'still good in him'... and that insinuated that Obi-Wan thought that there was not.

Which was... crazy.

Anakin was good. She knew he had his moments, but he would never go as far as the dark side- never.

Maul had said that he would, but she doubted that he could be trusted. For all she knew, he had been in on whatever 'plan' he'd spoken of the whole time.

No. There was no way that the Anakin that she knew was gone to the dark side.

It was impossible. Anakin was not vile, he was kind.

"Anakin is dead," Obi-Wan stated, squeezing her hand gently.

Her entire body went numb.

The next thing Ahsoka knew was that she was waking up somewhere- definitely not the room she had been in before.

The ceiling above her was black, and for a fleeting moment, she wanted to believe that everything she had just heard and witnessed had been a dream.

But the place in her heart where Anakin's presence had always resided was empty and cold. He was either dead, or something much, much worse.

A familiar face peered over her head, and it was at that moment that she realized that she was laying in Obi-Wan's lap, the faint hum of the engine of a ship vibrating through her montrals.

"Are you alright?" he asked, pressing his hand against her forehead. Her throat tightened as she blinked up at him, her face wrinkling as she rasped,


He sat her up, and she turned her face into his chest as he wrapped his arms around her. She held onto him tightly as they both shook with silent tears.

"It's going to be okay," he reassured her, but she just shook her head. Obi-Wan sighed above her, squeezing her tightly. "It is, Ahsoka. We must never lose hope... he would not have wanted that."

"He's gone, Master," she whispered. "And- and his kids are being split apart, and his- his... whatever Padme was to him- she's dead. And we'll never see him again, and... and..."

"I know, Little One, I know," he soothed nuzzling his cheek against her montrals to try and stop her hyperventilating.

"He was my brother," she sniffed, her voice high and tight, cracking in the whisper she spoke in. "He was our brother."

Obi-Wan tightened his hold, squeezing his eyes shut as well before repeating,

"He was our brother."

that awkward moment when it's friday and no new shows come out 


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