The Beginning

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"And, this is your room," Anakin said, swinging open the metal door. He stepped aside to let his new Padawan through. He leaned casually against the doorway as she entered.

Her mouth formed a clear 'o' shape as she took her first look around.

"This is nothing like my old room," she gasped in awe. "The whole thing is mine?!"

"The whole thing. Why don't you make yourself at home in here while I go grab some extra pillows and blankets from my closet," Anakin continued, standing up straight and crossing his arms. "Could've gotten things set up if someone had actually informed me that I'd be living with a youngling," he muttered as he left the room.

Luckily, Ahsoka hadn't heard him. She ran at her new bed and did a front tuck onto the mattress, laughing to herself as she bounced onto her back.

She stood up, swung her arms down, bent her knees, and threw herself into a back tuck, landing perfectly on her feet.

"Think that's impressive? I can do a double," Anakin challenged, tossing the bedding he had just retrieved to the side.

"I was just warming up for my triple," she snapped back, smirking. Anakin raised his eyebrows.

"How about a full twist," he continued, hopping up onto Ahsoka's bed. He lowered his arms and bent down, before jumping backwards and performing the skill. Ahsoka's eyes widened.

"Bet you I could do a double full twist," she said, knowing that she had never even attempted to do one before. Couldn't be that hard, she thought to herself as she climbed onto the mattress. She looked to the side to see her Master staring at her with a smug look on his face- as if he were expecting her to chicken out.

She narrowed her eyes in concentration, and jumped.


She had overestimated the space left between her and the floor.

Though she had been successful in doing the skill, she had landed flat on her back. Anakin's eyes widened as he rushed to her side.

Ahsoka could tell that he was trying not to laugh as he helped her sit up.

"Are you okay, Snips?" he asked, allowing a small smile to escape. Ahsoka punched him in the shoulder, and ignored his outstretched hand, standing up on her own.

"I'm fine," she muttered, crossing her arms over her chest. "Stop laughing! It's not like you could've done any better!"

Anakin continued chuckling, until Ahsoka took it upon herself to kick his legs out from beneath him. It was her turn to laugh as an expression of  both confusion and amusement played across his face.

He was surprised at her confidence and forwardness.

"That was disrespectful, my Padawan," he said sternly, earning a frightened look from his student. "I'm only joking," he added quickly, softening his expression as he stood up.

Ahsoka rolled her eyes.

"C'mon, let's head down to the Mess Hall for dinner."


As the pair exited their quarters, Anakin could feel his views on training a Padawan beginning to change. Maybe he liked being a teacher, or maybe he felt connected to Ahsoka, in some way. He was pretty sure that it was the second option- teaching had never appealed to him.

Maybe this won't be so bad, he thought to himself. Maybe we'll be friends.

He cautiously wrapped his arm around Ahsoka's shoulder as they entered the Mess Hall.

Ahsoka smiled brightly.

Y'all I literally can't stop thinking about the Mandalorian.

How am I supposed to wait 2 weeks for answers (you-know-what probably won't happen til episode 5  based on the director)

I've been screaming about it to my family for the past two days, and they all hate me bc I won't shut up but IT'S FINE




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