We Shouldn't Have Told You That

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"I wish I had an older brother," Leia muttered crossing her arms. The ten-year-old was going through old photos with her father and aunt.

Anakin laughed.

"What about Luke?"

"Ugh, he doesn't count; he's only a few minutes older," she scoffed, picking up another picture. "But, look at this! You guys look like you have so much fun!"

The image showed a fifteen year old Ahsoka, a huge grin on her face as Anakin gave her a piggyback ride, trying his hardest to look annoyed.

Ahsoka smiled at the picture. Then a thought crossed her mind.

"Leia, you know that Anakin and I aren't actually siblings, right?" she asked.

"How stupid do you think I am?!" the girl exclaimed, looking at her aunt incredulously. Ahsoka raised her hands in surrender.

"You really are your father's daughter," she murmured, receiving a weak slap in the face from Anakin.

"But, look at this!" Leia yelled again, waving a photo of the two of them asleep on the bench of a ship together, heads rested against one another.

"Ohhh, I remember that! It was the first time that you didn't shove me off of you when I fell asleep on your shoulder," Anakin said.

"In my defense, when you're delirious with sleepiness, it's pitch black, and a snoring bowling ball lands on your neck, it's a little difficult not to scream and push it off of you."

Anakin rolled his eyes.

"Dramatic," he muttered.

"But it isn't always piggyback rides and smiles, Leia. One time, Anakin shut me in a trash can."

"She's exaggerating. It was a brand new, totally clean trash can."

"Still a trash can," Ahsoka added with a smirk.

"Yeah? Well, one time, Ahsoka cut my hair in my sleep and gave me bangs."

"You wouldn't let me cut it when I was awake!"

"And you wonder why?!"

"I just wanted to know what hair felt like and you were depriving me of education!"

"I was your teacher! How the kriff was I depriving you of education!?"

"Okay, you really wanna play this game? Anakin flipped my tray in my face once in the mess hall during breakfast."

"Only payback for you doing it to me the day before."

"Yeah? Well, one time he replaced my lekku wash with orange dye!"

Anakin rolled backwards, his eyes squeezed together as he wheezed with laughter.


"Don't you dare say it."

"Pumpkin Padawan!" he cackled. Ahsoka crawled forward to punch him in the stomach. It was only then that Anakin noticed his daughter staring at them with a mischievous glint in her eye.

"You know... maybe I don't want an older brother after all..." She began, stroking an invisible beard (a habit that she had- of course -inherited from her Uncle Obi-Wan). "I've already got a perfectly good twin one to practice all these things on."

Anakin and Ahsoka both glanced at each other worriedly.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no!" they both yelled in unison. Ahsoka wrapped her arm around Anakin's shoulder.

"See? We love each other, really," she said, forcing a fake smile.

"Yes, we're just best friends," Anakin continued through gritted teeth, wrapping his mechanical arm around Ahsoka as well.

"I'm not buying it."

"Okay, fine, I'll pay you 10 credits if you don't try any of this on your brother," Ahsoka said, dropping her arm. Leia raised her eyebrows.

"And I'll pay you 10 credits of you don't tell your mother that it was us who taught you this after you inevitably still try all these things on Luke."



Leia skipped out of her room, a huge smile on her face.

Ahsoka groaned, pressing her forehead into Anakin's shoulder.

"What the kriff did we just do?"

Haaaave a great day!

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