Mouse vs. Jedi

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so this is almost entirely based on a true story bc we just found mice in our airbnb 😀👍 

Ahsoka swiped at her tired eyes as she typed into her datapad, growling at all the stupid homework she'd gotten from Master Nu that day. 

What was even the point?!

She looked down at her sloppy notes, scanning for an answer to the question she was working on when-

Her head lifted off of the armrest at the sound of something ruffling through the papers across the room from her.

What was that?

She squinted, catching the tiniest glimpse of- was that... a tail?

She leaned forward, her chair creaking as she did so. Whatever was by her papers let out a loud squeak, and skittered across the floor and under her bed.

There was a small body connected to the tail. It was, without a doubt, a mouse.

Should she just leave it alone? Finish her homework? Go tell Anakin?

She got back to her work as she contemplated the best course of action for a few minutes, before climbing off of the chair and tiptoeing quickly to Anakin's room. 

She couldn't help the shiver than ran through her body as her feet ran across the ground. Mice weren't scary, but they were gross.

She didn't even knock as she entered, jumping right at his bed. She bounced off the mattress and onto her sleeping master.

"Get up, get up, get up, get up," she whispered, poking him repeatedly. He was definitely awake now, but he was also definitely ignoring her.

"What," he finally hissed through gritted teeth, his eyes opening slightly to glare at her.

"There was a mouse," she whispered. Anakin's eyes opened fully. He blinked twice, cocking his head to the side.

"... that's what you woke me up for?"

"Yeah, you have to get it out," she continued, curling herself into a ball and shivering, as if she were afraid the mouse would somehow have crawled up onto the bed.

"Snips, it's a mouse. It isn't going to hurt you."

"I know. I just don't like them." She shuddered again, and Anakin rolled his eyes. He pushed himself up, leaning against the wall behind him as he ran a hand through his bed head.

"You're not gonna leave me alone until I take care of it, are you?" he groaned, stretching his arms above his head. Ahsoka shook her head from side to side.

"Get. It. Out."

"Okay, okay. Come on, let's go find it." He climbed off of the bed, gesturing for Ahsoka to follow suit.

She sat still, shaking her head back and forth.

"Ahsoka, you fought Grievous when you were fourteen, but a kriffing mouse scares you?"

"They're gross!" she defended, tentatively scooting forward.

"Just follow me. I'll protect you from the mouse," he muttered as she stood on her tippy-toes behind him.


They arrived in Ahsoka's Padawan quarters, said Padawan still jumping with every step as if she were walking across hot coals.

"Okay, where was it?" Anakin asked, turning his head to watch Ahsoka (who had completely shielded herself with her master's body) point to a pile of papers by the foot of her bed.

Snips and Skyguy One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now