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"Ahhhhhh," Ahsoka and Anakin both sang, sticking their tongues out as their faces lifted toward the sky. "Caught one!"

"I said it first!" Anakin argued.

"No you did not!" Ahsoka shouted back. She quickly looked up to the snowy sky, and caught another snowflake on her tongue. "There. I caught two. Now I'm winning."

"Here! Have... I don't know, a MILLION!" Anakin replied, using the force to hurl a pile of snow at her face. Ahsoka stumbled backwards, tripped over her foot, and fell onto her back in the fluffy substance.

Anakin was already on the ground himself, overtaken with laughter as Ahsoka glared at him, snow sliding down her face. She spit bits of it out of her mouth and back onto the ground.

"Not. Funny."

"Very funny," Anakin retorted, climbing back up to his feet. "Here," he said, reluctantly reaching down to help her up. She ignored his hand, standing up on her own.

Without saying a word, Ahsoka walked up behind him.

"What are you- oof!" he cried as she dropped a handful of snow down the back of his shirt.

"You're dead, Snips!" he called as she ran away from him. She disappeared behind a line of bushes, snickering to herself.

For the next half hour or so, snowballs flew through the air, pelting the pair over and over again. Anakin ran behind Ahsoka's hiding spot, sneaking up behind her. He wrapped his arms around her stomach and she screamed as he lifted her up off the ground.

"You scared the crap out of me, Master, put me down!" she shouted, kicking her legs as Anakin laughed hysterically. Ahsoka kicked even harder, leaning back until they both toppled to the ground.

"Ow," Anakin groaned, blinking his eyes dizzily. Ahsoka sat up, pushing herself off of his stomach.

"Woah, are you okay?" she asked, shaking him from side to side. Anakin's eyes closed slowly. "Master!" Ahsoka shouted. She fumbled around for her comm, but began to panic when she realized that the snow had seeped into it, no longer allowing it to work. 

"Gotcha!" he yelled, shoving her to the ground beside him. 

"I hate you!" she screamed as he took off.

The snowball fight lasted for about fifteen more minutes before the icy bullets stopped shooting from Ahsoka's end.

"Snips?" Anakin called out, running to where she had last thrown from. "Hey, Snips, come out, come out wherever you are!"

His stomach dropped when he saw her lying face-first on the ground. He quickly replaced his worried expression with a smile however.

"Oh, I know what you're doing," he said, stepping a bit closer to her. "This is just payback for before."

She didn't move.

"I'm not falling for you tricks, Ahsoka, I'm not stupid."

Still no response.

"Snips?" he asked again, the worry beginning to return. He jogged to her side, and carefully rolled her over.

"Oh my gosh," he whispered, ripping the glove off of his flesh hand and lowering it to her now-blue facial markings.

"Mas...ter," she groaned quietly. Anakin gasped as he realized what his mistake was.

"Togruta's have different natural temperatures," he recited. "You guys are used to heat."

"Sorry," Ahsoka forced out.

"Kriff, that isn't your fault, Snips," Anakin replied, helping her shivering form up off of the ground. "Come on, let's get you back to the ship."

But that proved to be difficult, as Ahsoka nearly collapsed after one step. Anakin took a deep breath, and scooped her up in his arms.

"No..." she whispered. "I can do it."

"Yes, but if we go at your speed, you'll be dead before we get back to the ship... sorry, I didn't mean to be so negative. Let's go!" 

Anakin took off, holding Ahsoka tightly. She slipped in and out of consciousness, mumbling things every few seconds.

"There... yet?"

"Almost there."

Anakin breathed a sigh of relief as the ship came into view. He dashed on board, hoisting his Padawan into one arm as he started up the heat.

"Better," Ahsoka managed to say as he sat her down, kneeling in front of her. Anakin pulled off her gloves, lifting her icy hands to his face, and breathing warm air into them.

The pale orange of her fingers began to darken with each breath, until she could finally bend them again on her own.

"Here, take this." Anakin pulled off his jacket, wrapping it around Ahsoka. He couldn't help but laugh at her sight.

"Wh-wh-what?" she asked, pulling the two coats tightly around herself. 

"You look like an Eskimo," he joked, snapping a holo-photo. "I'm sending this to Padme."

"R-rude," she pouted. Anakin blew warm air into his own hands, and placed his palms onto her cheeks, hoping that he could warm her a bit more.

"Feeling better?"

"Much, Master. Th-thank you," she said, a shiver running up her spine. Anakin lowered his hands to her shoulders, squeezing them affectionately.

"I'll go start making some cocoa," he decided, climbing up off the ground.

"I b-beat you, you know," she stated, smirking a little.

"No, you cheated."


"You passed out!"

"I almost froze to death, genius!"



"What did you call me?!"

"Nothing," Ahsoka said quietly, with a smile as she stared at the ground.

"For what it's worth, I had a lot of fun," Anakin said, sitting down next to her and handing her a steaming cup of hot chocolate."

"Me too. You're the best, Master."

"I know."

Have a great night! Can't wait for mando in two days! Leave ideas if ya have any :)

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