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"See you in the morning, General," Rex said, pivoting on his feet to head off to bed.

"Bright and early," Anakin muttered in reply, cracking a smile. He turned in the opposite direction to head to his quarters. 

Today had been a good day. He had been able to spend much more time with Padme than he had been expecting, and he had only been yelled at by Mace Windu once.

Yes, today had been much better than most days. In fact-

Beep beep, beep beep

He looked down at his blinking com link. He froze.

Beep beep, beep beep 

It couldn't be.

Beep beep, beep beep

"Er- Skywalker here," he said into it, his voice unnaturally shaky.

"Heyyy!" sang the voice from the other end. "Who is this?" The person then broke out into a fit of laughter.

"Holy kriff, Ahsoka is this really you?!" he exclaimed, checking the contact information over once more.

It was her.

The student that had left him five months ago.

The one he had continuously tried to contact.

The one who had ignored every single one of his calls and transmissions.

It was her.

"I ammm Ahsoka Tano," she slurred, the sound of glass shattering following her sentence. "Oh! My cup just fell out of my hand," she giggled.

"Ahsoka," he breathed angrily, "are you drunk?"

"No!" she laughed loudly. "Get away from me!" she yelled, presumably to someone at the same location as her.

"Send me your coordinates, I'm coming to pick you up," he said. It wasn't a question. 

"Okay," she answered, her voice squeaky.

Within minutes, Anakin had reached her destination. As he had told her to be, she was waiting by the bar's entrance.

"Anakin!" she cried as soon as she saw him. "I'm over here," she whispered, waving him over. Anakin rolled his eyes.

"Not exactly how I was expecting us to meet again," he grumbled, looping his arm through hers, and walking her out to the ship.

"I've missed you soooo much, Snips," she said, her eyes filling with tears. Then, she broke out into a fit out laughter, almost falling to the ground. "NO! I'm Snips, and you're Skyguy," she cackled.

Anakin closed his eyes tightly. He had so many questions.

Where had she been the past five months? What had she been doing? Was her getting drunk a regular occurrence, or was this the first time? Why hadn't she ever answered his transmissions?

He dragged her onto the ship, setting her down on in the co-pilot's seat. As he began flying, she turned to face him.

"What is it?" he asked, avoiding eye contact.

"I..." she began. She looked down at the ground, back at Anakin, and back to the ground again.

Then, she promptly threw up all over the ship's floor.

"Ahsoka!" Anakin yelled as she clutched her stomach, curling up into fetal position in her seat. She groaned in pain.

"Hurts," she mumbled. Anakin wanted to be angry with her, to scold her for doing something so stupid- but he couldn't.

"We're almost there," he sighed, patting her on the back. She nodded, her eyes sad and scared.

Sneaking his old Padawan to their old quarters proved to be much easier than Anakin had thought. Ahsoka had stuck close to his side, as he had instructed her to do. She had remained silent until Anakin opened the door.

She gasped. 

"It's just like my old home!" she exclaimed, her eyes filling with tears.

Anakin wordlessly patted her on the back again.

"Uh oh," she mumbled. Anakin pulled her to the refresher, rubbing her back as she vomited into the toilet, gasping for air. He could see tears stinging at her eyes as she finally finished, collapsing against the wall.

Anakin rested a hand on her knee. He inhaled deeply before beginning to speak.

"How did this happen? How did you get drunk?"

"Drink a lot of dranks," she answered. "Other way around," she corrected.

"Yeah, no kriff, Ahsoka, but how did you get into a bar in the first place? You're seventeen."

"Mind tricks. I was all upset and I heard you say once that drinking makes you not upset sometimes, and I wanted to be not upset today," she explained.

Anakin closed his eyes, sighing in frustration. He had so much more that he wanted to talk to her about, but he knew that he wasn't going to get a straight answer until the next morning.

"Come on," he said, standing up and offering her a hand. She took it, and walked with him to his bedroom. "They took all your stuff out when you left. You take the bed, I'll take the couch," he explained, helping her to lay down on his mattress.

"You're leaving?" she asked in a small whisper as he tucked her in.

"I'm just gonna be in the other room. I-"

"Stay!" she insisted. "Pretty please."

Pretty please, he thought to himself. He hadn't heard that phrase since Ahsoka was fifteen years old.

"Alright," he agreed, lying on top of the covers.



"I missed you a lot."

"I missed you too, Snips."

"You're a lot more responsible than I thought you were."

"I guess you get like that when you're responsible for someone you love."

"I love you too," she murmured. "I think I had a Togruta brother when I was little, but you're better."

"Thank you, Snips."



My first time writing characters drunk lmao. Have a great day!

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